A donated car seat - a child’s life saved

IMG 1242The www.baby4baby.org web platform launched in May this year (http://saferoads.md/index.php?view=news&t=baby4baby-of-the-kind-child-restraint-project) made happier many families from the whole country, whose children benefit free of charge of a car restraint system donated from the heart. Around 100 car seats have been donated since launching the platform. This would not have been possible without the personal desire to be engaged of each of us and the good intention to change the attitude and situation towards the correct child transportation. We are deeply grateful to the people who are not careless and gave their own car seats and, in particular, to the National Patrolling Inspectorate, which helped us to collect and donate them in every corner of the country.

Other hundreds of children are still waiting, and we tend to do our best to ensure each one the chance to be safely transported. We urge you to join us! Certainly, either you or someone of your friends has a car seat that is not used anymore, while someone else is in great need of it, but cannot buy it.

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Simply click on the "Give a car seat" button to save a life. Go to the platform for more information or contact us directly at the indicated numbers. If you need a restraint system, click the "Take a car seat" button and fill out the questionnaire.

Car seat beneficiaries are chosen by the random selection method, the computer being the one that generates the winning record digit. The number of donated CRS is directly dependent on the number of CRS received from all of you, so, “Donate a car seat from the heart, save a life!”

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