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Eleonora Rusnac was elected as president of ATP Moldova for a new term

The General Assembly of the Association of Professional Translators of Moldova (ATP Moldova), held on Saturday, February 11, 2017, reelected Ms. Eleonora Rusnac as President of ATP Moldova for a new mandate. During this event, which is held every two years, the Board of the Association made a report on the activities carried out during the 2015-2016 mandate.

Ms. Eleonora Rusnac, President of the ATP Moldova, mentioned in her report that during the reference period the Board focused its efforts on activities falling under three main directions, namely administrative, promotional and training (internal for the Association members and within the School of Professional Translators). Additionally, efforts were undertaken pursuing the achievement of the Association cohesion and the cultivation of the belonging spirit to ATP Moldova and to the profession in general.

In its activity the Association pays an important attention to professional upgrading of its members. Thus, several lectures and presentations were made in a number of related areas to interpretation and translation. The invited speakers were Nely Balode, psychologist, lecturer at ULIM; Corina ERSOV, translator, member of the "Toastmaster's Club;"  Elena Filatov, public relations expert; Valentin Reabţov, interpreter at the Parliament of the Republic Moldova and tour guide at the "Intourist", in Soviet times.

The School of Professional Translators, set up by the Association, carries out training for persons already engaged in translation and interpretation activities, wishing to improve their skills, for students studying at the Department of foreign languages, ​​ wishing to become a translator and / or an interpreter, and also for persons enjoying languages ​​and translation. At the same time, the Board perceives the School of Professional Translators as a modality of promotion of the Association and of the translation profession in general.

The President noted that 12 new members joined ATP during 2015-2016 mandate and other two experienced translators became members of ATP Moldova at the beginning of 2017, which is considered a good realization.

A number of topics related to the work of the Association were discussed at the General Assembly and an amendment to Regulation of the ATP Moldova was approved by the present members. Next, the reports of the Certification Commission, the Supervisory Board, and of the financial report of ATP Moldova were presented. All of them were positively assessed by the Assembly.

The Association of Professional Translators of Moldova is a non-governmental non-profit organization, founded in January 1998. The key role of the ATP Moldova is to liaise and to facilitate collaboration among professional translators and to promote provision of high quality translation and interpretation services both within the Republic of Moldova and abroad. At present, the ATP Moldova has got 50 active members. Ms. Eleonora Rusnac holds the office of the President of ATP Moldova for the several years.


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