Save Kids Lives with Roads Safety

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On the 26th of November 2014, Automobile Club of Moldova organized a road safety event for children from Chisinau International Preschool (CHIPS).  

The theatre for children “Foisor Fermecat” showed the road safety spectacle “Alex in the city” and together with ACM team, explained the traffic rules and distributed reflectors for pedestrians.

There was also introduced the crossing guard (‘lollipop men’) who will help every morning the children to cross the road near the preschool and warn the drivers to reduce the speed.

The lollipop men’s high visible clothes were donated by the Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport from UK with the support of the British Embassy in Moldova.

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The ACM team was joined by Mrs. Jo Batson, wife of Her Majesty's Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova and Mrs. Magdalena Adebayo, CHIPS Director and all together signed the #SaveKidsLives boards for the new roads safety campaign for children within the Third United Nations Global Road Safety Week (to be held on 4-10 May 2015). The campaign is calling for action to save children’s lives on the roads around the world.



The campaign does so by: 

  • highlighting the plight of children on the roads;
  • generating worldwide action to better ensure the safety of children on the roads;
  • calling for inclusion of safe and sustainable transport in the post-2015 development agenda.
  • The campaign operates on the principles of the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020 and is managed by a broad coalition of members from the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration.


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