Meet U.S. | American Junior Beauty Pageants

America House invites you to meet Elizabeth Graeme - Miss Washington Jr. High School USA, a school student at both Heritage International School Moldova and the Forks Middle School in Washington, USA

As part of her pageant platform, Elizabeth has partnered with The American Printing House for the Blind, championing the mission of empowering people who are blind or low vision by providing accessible and innovative products, materials, and services for lifelong success. 

In this Meet U.S. session, Elizabeth will share her experiences in the world of pageantry, and her mission to inspire young people to volunteer, not only to help others but to foster stronger, more connected communities.

Registration Form:

Fall Winter Covers 6

Informație despre eveniment

Data evenimentului 16-01-2025 6:00 pm
Sfârșitul evenimentului 16-01-2025 7:30 pm
Capacitatea 40
Locuri disponibile 40
Eveniment adăugat de Daniela Munca-Aftenev

Înregistrarea pentru acest eveniment s-a încheiat.

Banner Audit Juridic CICO 300 x 250 px 2

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