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Meet U.S.| Jazz: Songs from America’s Soul

Made in the USA, Jazz embodies values such as freedom, creativity, and improvisation. This transformative genre left its mark on American culture and the creation of today’s global music hits. 

Join Taylor Herman, Fulbright ETA, for a journey exploring the history of American jazz music, its revolutionary impact, and the most influential artists who have made their mark over the last century.

Music lovers encouraged! 

About the speaker: 

Taylor is a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant at Iulia Hasdeu College in Cahul, Moldova. She played the trombone in her high school jazz band for three years and holds this genre close to her heart. 

Fall Winter Covers 30

Informație despre eveniment

Data evenimentului 06-02-2025 6:00 pm
Sfârșitul evenimentului 06-02-2025 7:00 pm
Capacitatea 40
Locuri disponibile 40
Eveniment adăugat de Daniela Munca-Aftenev
Localitatea evenimentului Chisinau (Municipiul Chisinau)

Înregistrarea pentru acest eveniment s-a încheiat.

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