Call for short term volunteers, European Solidarity Corps project, Rezekne, Latvia, november - december 2023




Call for short term volunteers, European Solidarity Corps project

📆Period: November 2023 - December 2023

Location: Rezekne, Latvia

Participants profile: Participants 18+ y.o., able to communicate in english

About the project:

The project objectives are the following: to give young people opportunities to learn new set of professional skills, gain experience in leadership, team building and communication, develop intercultural dialogue and cooperation between young people and local inhabitants for better employment opportunities in the future. Through this project we want to promote solidarity between nations, to integrate and unite the European volunteers and local young people, promoting European cultures, languages and European Solidarity Corps programme, as well as to make changes in young people's life and environment around them.

You can be implicated in following activities:

> To make the retirement age people's life more interesting and active, help them to gain personal and social awareness.

> The volunteers will give English, German, English, Spanish, French lessons (depending on their own native languages) .

> They will organize computer classes, cookery, sport lessons for seniors.

>The volunteers will also work in the center for children with mental disabilities and the center for children at risk group, they will make handcraft, spend time together, give language lessons and make some activities for children.

Participant profile:

* Paricipants 18+ y.o., able to communicate in English;

Deadline: 2 November 2023

Apply here:

Banner Audit Juridic CICO 300 x 250 px 2


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