Call for long term volunteers, European Solidarity Corps project in Romania, Brasov/ september 2023-february 2024





Call for long term volunteers, European Solidarity Corps project

📆Period: September 2023 - February 2024

Location: Brașov, România

Participants profile: Participants between 18-30 y.o., able to communicate in english

About the project:

Through this project, we are aiming to promote social inclusion and active participation, solidarity and diversity, volunteering and participation of fewer opportunities in the categories of youngsters from rural areas and neglected communities in the region of Bacau, Romania.

What responsabiities you may have:

-Perform social media activities and visibility on online channels.

-Organize workshops and activities for children and young people dedicated to understanding multiculturalism, cooperation, inclusion

-Have a proactive, open and kind attitude, be motivated to work in a multicultural team and make the most of your experience together!

-Create series of intercultural activities in the community, collective and group activities on various topics to cultivate the knowledge of inclusion

-Organize non-formal activities for the community regarding the development of digital skills (online tools, Word, Google Suite, digital art, Photoshop) and

understanding the online environment and healthy browsing (cyber safety).

-Organize ecology campaigns and workshops related to entrepreneurship in the field of environment and social innovation.

-Learn to perform needs analysis in the local community through discussions with the target groups and involvement of the community.

-Design and work on a permaculture garden

-Support in setting a camping (glamping) space for the summer activities when the volunteering teams arrive

Apply here:

Deadline for application: 30 september 2023 

Banner Audit Juridic CICO 300 x 250 px 2


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