ERIM: Call for applications for "Grants to support CSOs in the aftermath of the pandemic"

ERIM: Call for applications for Grants to support CSOs in the aftermath of the pandemic


“COVID-19: Civil Society Resilience and Sustainability” is a regional project run by IREX Europe (doing business as Equal Rights and Independent Media (ERIM)) and funded by the European Union. The project aims to support Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), independent activists, and independent media to continue their work throughout and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

We are looking for small to medium-sized Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and independent media who have been affected by the pandemic and need support to continue and build upon their work.

Number of Grants: up to 4

Maximum Grant Size: up to EUR 7,000 (depending on the LOT as indicated below)

Project Duration: The minimum duration of a project is three months, and the maximum duration is seven months



 For CSOs and Independent Media

Grants are available for CSOs with a clear social or environmental cause who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and by the aftermath of the pandemic, lack the resources necessary to continue their work effectively, and have the potential to build on the grant and become sustainable. Also, grants are available for independent media and CSOs who are working in fact-checking and providing counter-narratives and who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The following grant LOTs are available:

LOT 1.  Media campaign, advocacy and awareness-raising grants to support activities including (but not limited to):

  • media campaigns to raise awareness of the difficulties faced by vulnerable groups / or the laws and regulations that should be changed to support them in the future;

  • advocacy campaigns that will represent citizens' interests by conducting policy research, educating the public about issues, community organizing; and mobilizing constituencies; 

  • advocacy campaigns to influence a concrete policy at the local/regional level.

LOT 2: Psychosocial and legal support grants for those working for CSOs and initiative groups to support activities including (but not limited to):

  • psychosocial support for activists/CSO workers suffering stress and burnout
  • legal counseling for CSOs/activists facing prosecution, needing legal support to manage punitive administrative procedures;
  • Anti-burnout training;

LOT 3: Technical support and digitalization grants. This support can include (but not limited to):

  • necessary support to work from home or run online activities (software, subscriptions to online conferencing services etc);
  • consultancy, strategy planning and training to use new technologies to improve ways of working. (e.g. how to run events or campaigns online, online security including encryption, secure communication and ‘digital self-defence’ )
  • the development of tools or services to enable direct support for beneficiaries online or remotely, including among vulnerable groups (e.g. chat hotlines for domestic violence victims or LGBTQI+ youth, phone hotlines for elderly people at risk)
  • Support to online resources or online networks for CSOs
  • The production of audio-visual information;
  • Online outreach and fundraising.



Our activities are aimed at CSOs and media who were affected by and since the pandemic, lack the resources necessary to continue their work effectively and have the potential to build on the grant and become more sustainable.   Applications focusing on local issues are encouraged. Joint applications submitted by CSOs and media outlet(s) will have added value. The type and amount of support will vary depending on the size, expected impact, and proposed project.

Preference will be given to organizations and media located outside Chisinau due to economic and social disparities between the capital and remote areas, and those working to support the most vulnerable groups disproportionately affected by the pandemic crisis. We will also support a variety of organizations working to promote different causes, such as LGBTQ rights, women’s rights, environmental protection civic activism, etc.

Priority will be given to applications from organizations that have not already received our support under the “COVID-19: Civil Society Resilience and Sustainability” project. Applications from political or religious organizations will not be considered.


For more information about the application process and application email, please access the following linkCall For Applications

The application documents/ templates that shall be mandatorily fulfilled and submitted are Annex 1- Narrative form and Annex 2 – Budget which can be downloaded using the link below.

Annex 1- Narrative form: Annex 1

Annex 2 – Budget : Annex 2

Proposals must be submitted online by 18:00 local time, October 25, 2023.