Enhancing Regional Response for Ukraine

Call for Project Proposals 

Program Description

In response to the security and humanitarian challenges posed by Russia's war in Ukraine, the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation (BST), a project of the German Marshall Plan of the United States, is launching a new call for project proposals to further support the response of civil society actors in the Wider Black Sea region.

This call is part of the Strengthening Regional Links and Transition Sharing in the Wider Black Sea Region action run by the Transatlantic Foundation and funded by the European Union. The action aims to support civil society groups, independent media outlets, and journalists from the Wider Black Sea Region countries and the new EU member states.


BST will support short-term proposals that demonstrate impact over a span of 3 to 6 months with a total budget of €20,000 to €25,000. Proposals must be initiated and implemented by consortia formed by:

  • at least one civil society organization (CSO) or independent media organization legally registered in Ukraine and operating within or outside Ukraine


  • at least one CSO or independent media organization legally registered in EaP countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, or an EU country neighboring Ukraine (Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland).

Proposals will address one of the following objectives:

  1. Strengthening the institutional capacity of civil society organizations to assist their immediate constituencies (vulnerable groups, IDPs, people with disabilities, etc.). Many CSOs and media institutions had to move their operations outside the war zone to neighboring countries. In order to continue operations, they require support to build and strengthen their capacities (programs and services, personnel, logistics, equipment, etc.) to operate outside Ukraine and establish closer cooperation with international partners and civil society organizations that are working to support Ukraine's democratic and economic rebuilding from within the country.                                                                                                                   
  2. Increasing the capacity of CSOs and media outlets to fight disinformation and inform the public about recovery plans. Propaganda and disinformation are key instruments of the Kremlin in its war against Ukraine. Many independent media actors (journalists, bloggers, influencers, and others) were forced to move from the war zone and are now operating from neighboring countries. They must be equipped to counter disinformation and provide an accurate account of developments in Ukraine to the diaspora, refugees, and the international community.                                                                                                                   
  3. Enhanced cooperation for short- and medium-term management of Ukrainian refugees. The United Nations declares that at least 11 million people have fled their homes since Russia invaded Ukraine. The refugees need rehabilitation resources (from medical assistance to social or psychological support) and integration support in relocated countries (language, temporary employment, legal, and access to basic services). Despite the continuing war, many Ukrainian refugees are now eager to return to their country, requiring assistance to cross the border and return to their homes.                                                                                 
  4. Bolstering civil society coordination and involvement between Ukrainian and international stakeholders; and recovery planning that entail watchdog activities and anti-corruption advocacy and messaging. In April 2022, Ukrainian president Zelensky established the National Council for the Recovery of Ukraine to draft strategic initiatives and reforms to be implemented during the war and postwar periods. Twenty-four thematic groups were established in order to develop and propose measures for Ukraine’s post-war recovery. Within this process, civil society and independent media should play an integral role by providing expertise across all thematic areas, ensuring oversight of recovery program implementation by government and state bodies, and engaging the broader public.

Proposals must be received by October 16, 2022. Project proposals must be sent to blackseatrust@gmfus.org. In order to submit a project proposal, organizations must complete the forms below in English:

Only proposals submitted using these forms will be taken into consideration.

Successful proposals are expected to start as early as November 1, 2022.

Specific calls, such as the current one, represent additional efforts to address issues specific to civil society organizations in the Wider Black Sea Region countries. To learn more about BST’s ongoing grantmaking program, please visit gmfus.org/bst-grantmaking.

For more information, please email us at blackseatrust@gmfus.org.

Funds provided under this call are subject to change pending the formal extension of the action by the Transatlantic Foundation and the European Commission

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