
Celebrate International Friendship Day with America House!

 This year, on July 30,  we're planning a unique celebration for International Friendship Day at America House. Join us for a day filled with board games, fun quizzes to test how well you know your friends, indoor activities, virtual travel with VR glasses, and a special gift for your friend that you will make by yourself. We invite you to bring your friends and gather at AH Chisinau for a day to remember, where friendship will be the theme of the day. It's a great opportunity to reinforce current friendships and forge new ones. Don't miss out—bring your friends and join us at AH!

  • 12-12.15 - Welcoming, Presentation 
  • 12.15 - 2.00 pm - Board Games 
  • 2-2.15 - Break
  • 2.15 - 2.30 - Friendship test 
  • 2.30 - 3.30 - Just Dance 
  • 3.30 - Indoor games 

You can register here:  


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