Extended deadline - CCR is hiring Country Director for Moldova office

Information about the position 

Name of position: Country Director for Moldova 

Expected length of employment: at least 12 months with possibility of extension (long-term cooperation preferred) 

Type of position: Full-time 

Place of employment: Chisinau, Moldova (with travels around the country) 

Start date: December, January 

Caritas Czech Republic (CCR) is a non-profit non-governmental organization with field activities in 27 countries (Europe, Asia, Middle East and Africa) and an extensive social services program in the Czech Republic assisting more than 100,000 clients. CCR is a member of the international network of the Caritas Internationalis and cooperates with a number of international and local partners. 

In Moldova, CCR have been engaged in development cooperation for more than 15 years, working mainly in health and social sectors, and recently also in sustainable waste management and WASH. In 2022 and 2023, CCR country program also targeted refugees from Ukraine. 

We are looking for local candidates for the position of Country Director (CD), who is responsible for the strategic development of the country program, ensuring productive and smooth relationships with key partners, overall administration of the country team and office and quality control of projects´ implementation.  

More specifically, the CD will be tasked with the following responsibilities: 

Strategic development of CCR country program  

  • Formulate and update CCR emergency response strategy in line with the changing context; 
  • Develop the CCR country portfolio, including but not limited to securing new funding; 
  • Build conditions for expansion of CCR country program to new sectors; 
  • Monitor the humanitarian, socio-economic, political and security situation in the country leading to the identification of existing and emerging needs and proactively propose further CCR interventions; 
  • Keep abreast with donors’ strategies, develop strategic partnerships with donors and present CCR’s country strategies and achievements; 
  • Provide leadership in formulating project proposals in line with the country context and the CCR country strategy; 
  • Identify potential new operational directions (technical areas, geographical coverage, partnerships) in developing CCR country programme; 
  • In close coordination with the Headquarters (HQ; in Prague, the Czech Republic), take initiative in strengthening the mission’s technical capacities and its profile. 

General management and coordination 

  • Provide overall management of the mission in line with the CCR internal regulations;  
  • Ensure quality controls are in place in all CCR country projects; 
  • Coordinate with the country and HQ teams to ensure the mission fulfills all in-country legal requirements; 
  • Ensure that appropriate security rules and mechanisms are in place and followed by all staff members and visitors; 
  • Participate in regular visits of field activities; 
  • Provide support to and oversight of local partnerships in line with technical and ethical regulations of CCR (including but not limited to regular meetings with partners and provision of feedback to HQ team); 
  • Provide regular update on the progress of the country program to the CCR HQ. 

Human resources management 

  • Provide administrative oversight of human resource management in the country team; 
  • Ensure all country office-level documents are updated, staff are aware of them and all relevant soft and hard copies of key documents are stored securely; 
  • Support professional development of the CCR country team; 
  • Ensure performance reviews are carried out by line-managers in the country team; 
  • Adopt and encourage a pro-active approach to addressing and resolving any HR-related issues in a transparent and positive approach; 
  • Plan and provide oversight of the recruitment of new country office personnel. 

Financial supervision 

  • Ensure regular review of the country program cash flow and expenditure forecasts; 
  • Ensure regular monthly follow-ups are duly prepared at the project level and analyzed at the country office level by the finance staff leading to prompt resolution of identified challenges and problems; 
  • Ensure procurement policies are followed at all times as per the CCR Procurement Manual. 

External relations 

  • Participate in relevant coordination meetings and update all relevant stakeholders on the CCR country program;   
  • Update the Embassy of the Czech Republic about current and planned activities; 
  • Ensure visibility of CCR country program. 

Besides the above, the CD will be responsible for direct management of one of the ongoing projects. 

Qualifications and competencies 


  • Proven track record in NGO sector 
  • Experience in international development and/or humanitarian assistance; 
  • Track record of managing relations with a variety of donors; 
  • Experience in project proposal development; 
  • Proven experience in team management;  
  • Excellent communication skills in English (oral and written);  
  • Strong leadership, analytical/critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 


  • Master’s or bachelor’s degree in a relevant field; 

What we offer 

  • Career development in a value-driven professional organization, suitable especially for dynamic professionals; 
  • Opportunity to apply and further develop creative and independent working approach; 
  • Remuneration reflecting the results achieved; 
  • 25 days of paid leave / year, in addition to official public holidays; 

How to apply 

Qualified candidates may send their applications to the following e-mail address jobs@caritas.cz. The application must include a brief motivation letter, not longer than 1 page, and a maximum 4-page CV or resume.  

Please type “Country Director Moldova" in the SubjectThe deadline for submission is February 28, 2025.  

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. 

The applications are reviewed on a continual basis and a suitable candidate may be hired before the deadline. 

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