National Consultant Hot Line Consultant for GIM, IOM Moldova


Reference code:  SVN2024-35


Open to External Candidates


Position Title


Hot Line Consultant for GIM


 Duty Station


Republic of Moldova



Type of Appointment

Duration of Consultancy




For a certain period of time


Closing Date 


02 January 2025


Established in 1951, IOM is a Related Organization of the United Nations, and as the leading UN agency in the field of migration, works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. It does so by providing services and advice to governments and migrants.


IOM is committed to a diverse and inclusive environment. Internal and external candidates are eligible to apply to this vacancy. For the purpose of the vacancy, internal candidates are considered as first-tier candidates.





  1. Nature of the consultancy:

The overall task of the incumbent will be to contribute to strengthening the institutional capacity of the General Inspectorate for Migration (GIM) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova, by providing information support as a Counsellor of the Green Line of the Call Centre within GIM. Category A Consultancy.

  1. Project Context and Scope:


After weeks of heightened tensions and escalating conflict in eastern Ukraine, on 24 February 2022, Russian forces launched a full-scale assault on Ukraine, with its military attacking the country simultaneously by land, air and sea from the north, east and south. As a result, immediately before and during the crisis, a huge increase in migratory flows has been seen from Ukraine to the Republic of Moldova. It is estimated that over 4 million people, including refugees, third-country nationals and other migrants, may flee Ukraine over the course of the next six months, many of whom will be in need of humanitarian protection and support. The large number of persons who already arrived on the territory of the Republic of Moldova has led to considerable strain on the reception system in the country.

IOM is committed to strengthening the regional response in the next stage of the crisis through multi- dimensional approach aimed at widening the scope of implemented activities to assist in addressing complex migration and border management challenges in order to maintain the balance between the facilitation of cross-border movements, while upholding border security and protecting migrants’ rights. This also includes the operational support to national border and immigration agencies and other stakeholders responsible for ensuring voluntary transfer to pledging EU Member States and associated countries of Eastern Partnership citizens and voluntary and informed return of TCNs.

The projects “Supporting Protection, Transit, Voluntary and Informed Return and Reintegration of Eastern Partnership Citizens and Third Country Nationals affected by the conflict in Ukraine” (DG NEAR) provides for access to a hotline for potential migrants and victims of trafficking in human beings and a trusted  and secured line of communication. Due to the crisis in Ukraine that lead to a high number of refugees in Republic of Moldova, as agreed with the donor, within this project IOM will support the Call Centre of the General Inspectorate for Migration (GIM) of RM. The consultancy will provide counselling via the Green Line of the Call Centre of GIM. The purpose is to contribute to the qualitative functioning of the Green Line within the GIM Call Centre, according to the Regulation on Activity and Minimum Quality Standards. The Counsellor's mission is to achieve the prerogatives of the General Inspectorate for Migration related to migration, asylum, integration and statelessness, by providing information support and telephone counselling.

  1. Organizational Department / Unit to which the Consultant is contributing:

The Counsellor of the Green Line of the Call Centre is directly subordinated to the Coordinator of the Green Line of the Call Centre within GIM.  Under the overall supervision of the Chief of Mission and the Head of Migration Governance unit, and the direct supervision of the IBM Programme Specialist, the consultant will be responsible for providing effective and efficient support to the IOM IBM Programme Team, as well as to the direct project beneficiaries, namely GIM, within the framework of the project - Supporting Protection, Transit, Voluntary and informed Return and Reintegration of Eastern Partnership Citizens and Third Country Nationals affected by the conflict in Ukraine.

  1. Category A Consultants: Tasks to be performed under this Contract:


Basic tasks

I.         Provide informational support to callers in the field of competence of GIM;

II.       Facilitate the access of foreigners to the entities responsible for documenting foreigners at central and regional level;

III.     Ensure the referral of callers to other services, according to the identified needs;

IV.     Ensure cooperation with other institutions internally and externally, according to the field of competence.

V.       Analyse the data and provide statistics regarding the field of activity of the Green Line of GIM.

       I. In the field that involves providing informational support to callers in the field of competence of GIM, the Counsellor will:

1.       Ensure the information of the callers about the granting of the right of temporary or permanent residence, the procedure for obtaining documents, for extending the validity of the visa, or about other aspects related to the field of immigration;

2.       Advise callers on legal procedures for granting, terminating, cancelling refugee or stateless status;

3.       Ensure that callers are informed about the integration programs and the conditions for benefiting from such programs;

4.       Provide informational support in an online format;

5.       Update with the information published on the GIM page with relevant data about the activity of the Green Line of GIM Call Centre

     II.  In the field that involves facilitating the access of foreigners to the entities responsible for documenting foreigners at central and regional level, the Counsellor will:

1.       Provide assistance regarding the documentation desks where applicants can address for obtaining identity cards or travel documents for refugees, beneficiaries of humanitarian protection and stateless persons, as well as other requests regarding the documentation of foreigners;

2.       Ensure the information for the callers about the place where they can address for the submission of applications regarding the granting/extension of the right of temporary and permanent residence and the right of repatriation, the applications regarding the registration at residence or domicile and the deregistration from the record of foreigners, as well as other applications regarding the state of foreigners on the territory of the Republic of Moldova;

3.       Provides information to callers on the institutions where they can address in order to submit an application for participation in integration activities or inclusion in integration programs at the regional services for the documentation of foreigners.

III.                 In the field that involves the referral of callers to other services, according to the identified needs, the Counsellor will:

1.       Participate in the update of the Referral Guide of the Green Line Counsellor of the Call Centre within GIM;

2.       Provide the caller with data about the services he/she can turn to for assistance and support, according to the identified needs;

3.       Redirect the caller to other subdivisions within GIM or to the regional offices, according to the competence;

4.       Provide crisis support by facilitating refugees' access to temporary accommodation services, humanitarian packages or other services as needed

IV.                 In the field that involves cooperation with other institutions internally and externally, according to the field of competence, the Counsellor will:

1.       Lead the record of appeals from national and international institutions on cooperating in the field of competence;

2.       Provide information to the central apparatus and administrative authorities subordinated to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, public authorities, international or non-governmental organizations, on the field of activity of the Green Line of GIM Call Centre;

3.       Collaborate with diplomatic missions and representations of the Republic of Moldova abroad and with those accredited in the country, with the authorities with similar functions in other states in order to solve problems in the managed fields.

V.                   In the field that involves the analysis of data and the provision of statistics regarding the field of activity of the Green Line of GIM, the Counsellor will:

1.       Register and keep records of incoming calls, according to the criteria set out in the Call Register and the electronic database;

2.       Collect and process information for statistical purposes;

3.       Provide information about the activity of the Green Line of GIM Call Centre, in compliance with the provisions of the legislation on the protection of personal data.


7.To exercise the duties, the Green Line Counsellor of GIM Call Center will have the following responsibilities:

1.       Answer calls registered by GIM Call Centre Green Line;

2.       Provide informational support according to counselling protocols;

3.       Register the calls and the type of the offered support in the electronic Call Register at the Green Line of GIM Call Centre;

4.       Comply with the Regulation on Activity of the Green Line of GIM Call Centre and to carry out its activity according to the Minimum Quality Standards of Service.


8.In the exercise of the duties and responsibilities, the counsellor has the following powers:

1.       Request information from some public institutions, authorities, international or non-governmental organizations, according to the field of competence;

2.       Submit proposals to the Coordinator of the Green Line of GIM Call Centre for the improvement of the service's activity;

3.       Have access to the information support and resources necessary for the efficient conduct of the activity, according to the mandate.



         9.The Counsellor will work in shifts (day and night), according to the schedule established by the Coordinator      of the Green Line of the Call Centre within GIM, to ensure the functionality of the service (24 hours / 7 days a week).


  1. Performance indicators for the evaluation of results
  • Signed report by the Counsellor and counter-signed by the Coordinator of the Green Line of the GIM Call Center according to the internal Job description of the Counsellor of the Call Center of the General Inspectorate for Migration;
  • Monthly timetable of performance counter-signed by the Coordinator of the Green Line of the Call Center of GIM.
  1. Education, Experience and/or skills required
  • The Counsellor must hold higher education in the field of socio-human sciences (law, security and public order, public administration, sociology or other relevant fields).
  • The Counsellor must have theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of migration and asylum, namely:

- to know the related legal and regulatory framework;

- to know the spectrum of services available to foreigners, migrants, refugees, stateless persons, etc.;

- to know the institutional framework in the field of migration, asylum, statelessness and integration of foreigners;

- to know the spectrum of available services to which the caller may be referred, in case of identification of needs beyond the mandate of the Green Line;

  • The Counsellor must possess the following skills:

- working with information;

- effective communication;

- teamwork;

- on the use of technical means of office;

- communication in Romanian and Russian. Knowledge of English is an advantage;

- how to use Microsoft Office (Word and Excel).

  • In the exercise of the work duties, the Counsellor must demonstrate the following attitudes and behaviors:

- responsibility;

- respect for colleagues and beneficiaries;

- tolerance;

- the tendency towards continuous professional development;

- assertiveness in communicating with beneficiaries.


  • Travel required

The fee will not cover travel and other expenses of the Consultant.


  1. Competencies



  1. Inclusion and respect for diversity: respects and promotes individual and cultural differences; encourages diversity and inclusion wherever possible.
  2. Integrity and transparency: maintains high ethical standards and acts in a manner consistent with organizational principles/rules and standards of conduct.
  • Professionalism: demonstrates ability to work in a composed, competent and committed manner and exercises careful judgment in meeting day-to-day challenges.

Core Competencies – behavioural indicators

  1. Teamwork: develops and promotes effective collaboration within and across units to achieve shared goals and optimize results.
  2. Delivering results: produces and delivers quality results in a service-oriented and timely manner; is action-oriented and committed to achieving agreed outcomes.
  3. Managing and sharing knowledge: continuously seeks to learn, share knowledge and innovate.
  • Accountability: takes ownership for achieving the Organization’s priorities and assumes responsibility for own action and delegated work.
  • Communication: encourages and contributes to clear and open communication; explains complex matters in an informative, inspiring and motivational way.


Any offer made to the candidate in relation to this special vacancy notice is subject to funding confirmation.

A prerequisite for taking up the position is legal residency in the country of the duty station and work permit, as applicable.

How to apply:

Interested applicants are invited to send CV and Cover Letter in English to:

Please, indicate the position you are applying for and reference code in the subject line of your message.

Closing date for applications is 02 January 2025.

In order for an application to be considered valid, IOM only accepts the applications duly completed.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


Posting period:

From 19.12.2024 to 02.01.2025

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