United Nations Office for Project Services Lead Construction Management Engineer

Lead Construction Management Engineer


Job categoriesEngineering

Vacancy codeVA/2024/B5116/28907

Department/office ECR, UAMCO, Ukraine MCO

Duty stationChișinău, Republic of Moldova

Contract typeLocal ICA Specialist

Contract levelLICA Specialist-10

DurationOngoing ICA – ‘Open-ended, subject to organizational requirements, availability of funds and satisfactory performance.’

Application period18-Sep-2024 to 06-Dec-2024


Under the direct supervision of the Senior Project Manager (PM), the Lead Construction Management Engineer (LCME), will support the implementation of penitentiary project activities through the provision of technical expertise and the application of best practices. The LCME  will oversee the implementation of contracted works as well as any activities required under construction supervision, ensuring conformity with the technical specifications of UNOPS and national legislation and coordination with the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) Technical Lead /Engineer as required. 

The selected candidate will bring expertise to support the PM in project management, infrastructure, and strong stakeholder management experience, particularly in working alongside government authorities for  the  penitentiary in particular and on other infrastructure projects. On all projects the LCME is  expected to demonstrate best practices and techniques of construction management work areas, extensive practical experience in performing practical construction activities and supervising works in compliance with quality assurance and quality control requirements, alongside extensive skills in the management of occupational health & safety as well as environmental management standards on the construction site.

Specific responsibilities include  coordinating the day-to-day construction activities, supervising the implementation process of assigned activities, ensuring that the project outputs are capable of meeting the business cases for both UNOPS and the partners.

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