CONCORDIA Sozialprojekte - Consultant for Gender Analysis

CONCORDIA Sozialprojekte is seeking a Gender Expert to conduct a Gender Analysis and develop a Gender Action Plan for the CARE Project, co-funded by the Austrian Ministry of Social Affairs. The project focuses on breaking the cycle of generational poverty in rural Moldova through systemic social support, active community participation, and improved well-being.

The consultancy, scheduled for December 2024–February 2025, spans 15 days and includes desk reviews, field visits in Cahul, Chisinau, Ștefan Vodă, and Stîrcea, stakeholder engagement, and qualitative data collection. Deliverables include a comprehensive Gender Analysis report, actionable recommendations, and a Gender Action Plan.


  • Master's degree in Gender Studies, Social Sciences, or equivalent.
  • Experience in Moldova or similar contexts.
  • Expertise in gender-responsive approaches and participatory methods.
  • Fluency in English and Romanian.

Budget: Up to €5,000, inclusive of all costs. Deadline for applications: December 1, 2024, 17:00 GMT+1.

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