Skat Moldova Foundation is hiring an Office Manager


Title: Office Manager 

Project duration: January 2025 – May 2028 (subject to confirmation of funding by the donor)  

Expected workload: Part-Time 50-80%. Depending on the applicant background and preference. 


Fundația Centrul Moldo-Elvețian pentru Cooperare SKAT (SKAT Moldova) is the implementing entity in the Republic of Moldova of donor-funded projects of SKAT Consulting Ltd., a Swiss consulting firm. Currently, SKAT implements in Moldova two large projects in the area of local government reform (Swiss-financed) and Water and Sanitation Services in rural areas (Austrian-financed). Related to these large projects which have a duration of 4 and more years each, there is one smaller project focusing on water supply and energy efficiency. 


The Skat Foundation is looking to recruit an Office Manager to ensure smooth running of office operations. 

The scope of functions and responsibilities comprises, inter alia: 

  1. Ensuring the functionality of the project office in Chisinau (office supplies, document management, receiving visitors, et al.); 
  1. Organization of project events (trainings, workshops, meetings) in- and outside of Chisinau (booking of venues, catering, transport, logistics arrangements for participants, et al.) 
  1. HR support (keeping the vacation and holidays schedule, prepare HR related orders,  keeping staff time sheet, et al.) 
  1. Performing procurement procedures for internal (office) acquisitions according to procurement guideline; 
  1. Prepare contracts and monitor implementation (quality and quantity of administrative and supply contracts; collect invoices and prepare for internal processing) 
  1. Knowledge management (some translations, uploading content to project website, minutes of internal meetings, et al.) 
  • Competitive Salary 
  • Annual leave in line with Moldovan Labour Law 
  • Flexible arrangements for work from home, in agreement with the needs of the position holder 
  • Work mostly in Chisinau, work in locations outside Chisinau can be adjusted to meet the needs of the position holder 
  • Friendly work environment which encourages self-initiative, responsibility and professional growth   


Higher education  


  • At least three years of professional working experience in a comparable function 
  • At least one year work experience in donor-financed projects / NGOs is highly desirable 

Language Requirements  

Fluency in oral and written English and Romanian  

Good command of Russian is an advantage    


High level of responsibility and organization capacities; 

Self-driven and initiative personality; 

High level of digital skills and ICT literacy; 

Good interpersonal skills; 

Driving license and confidence in urban and overland driving (manual gear shift) is an advantage. 


Interested individuals are expected to apply by sending the following information to  quoting Office Manager in the subject line of the e-mail. 

  • Curriculum Vitae in English language; 
  • Motivational letter in English language; 
  • Information about earliest date of availability, preferred workload set up (50-80%) and salary expectations. 

Applications must reach us no later than 4th of December 2024.  

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