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”Ma Implic Phase 2” project seeks to hire an Individual Consultant: trainer for Local Public Administrations on SKAT “Guideline to Procurement”

Project name: MĂ IMPLIC Phase 2 (2023 – 2027),

Implementing organisation: Fundaţia Centrul Moldo-Elvetian pentru Cooperare SKAT,

Sector: Water and sanitation,

Contract type: service contract with individual consultant,

Contract duration: December 2024-January 2025.

The project “MĂ IMPLIC”, implemented by Fundaţia Centrul Moldo-Elvetian Pentru Cooperare SKAT, aims to contribute to strengthening local governance and increasing the population’s access to better public services.  The project will support partners at the local and national levels to improve local governance.

In line with the recent update of the “Guideline to Procurement” for project Final Beneficiaries (LPAs) to whom SKAT assigned the responsibility to organize procurements from project proceeds, it is necessary to elaborate and undertake a 3 days (cca 6 hours per 1 training day) training program oriented for LPA staff who deal with (public) procurement related tasks within LPA. The training will be split into 3 main regions (North, Central, South of Moldova), 1 day training per region (estimated number of participants – cca 25-30 persons per region).

This training program shall focus on informing participants about the main aspects of the Procurement Guideline, ensuring they understand procurement principles, processes, risks, and compliance requirements (SKAT / donor).

  1. The main duties and tasks to be undertaken by the Consultant/Trainer are:
  • Prepare training agenda,  
  • Prepare training materials, consisting of presentation(s), hand-outs of exercises, training assessment form.  
  • Perform 3 training sessions, at selected by SKAT venues, located in central, North and South regions of Moldova, as per schedule agreed with SKAT (each training session will be 1-day (cca 6 hours) duration. 
  • Develop share with and collect training knowledge assessment tests and provide an analysis outline to SKAT, regarding materials understanding and training satisfaction levels. 
  • Training sessions will be organized by consultant in interactive format, combining both presentation sessions and participatory/exercise sessions and Q/A sessions. 
  • Training logistics (venue, equipment, printout of materials, breaks, invitation of trainees, etc.) shall be organized and provided in full by SKAT Moldova


  1. SKAT Moldova now invites eligible individual consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide information on the below qualification requirements, indicating that they are qualified to perform the services:
  • Expert in training, capacity building and /or procurement  
  • At least 10 years of overall professional experience.
  • Higher education,
  • Post graduate degree is an advantage
  • Degree in procurement is an advantage
  • At least 3 training courses of similar size - delivered (prepare training materials and deliver training).
  • Work experience as procurement consultant in public procurement/procurement rules of MDB – is an advantage.
  • Experience in delivery of trainings/workshops on procurement topics – is an advantage
  1. SKAT/Client’s input
  • The Client will provide the Consultant with Guide to Procurement for LPAs, Tender documents (including format of an Evaluation Report) – for training materials preparation purposes. 
  • Training logistics will be provided and ensured by SKAT. 
  1. Institutional arrangements
  2. The Consultant will be responsible for preparing training materials and performing the training sessions, within the indicated terms (tentatively December 2024-January 2025).  
  3. The Client will appoint a Coordinator from its side who will monitor and coordinate (as necessary) the activities of the Consultant. 
  4. Same Coordinator - shall be approving the deliverables. Deliverables shall be reviewed and/or approved within 3 workdays since submission. 
  5. The estimated level of effort for implementing the tasks under this ToRs is cca 10 workdays. 

Interested applicants are requested to submit their CVs (in Romanian or English, with markProcurement Trainer for LPAs” in the subject line and detailing on their experience related to training activities) by November 28, 2024 to the e-mail below:   


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