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Comunitatea Mea Program vacancies – Engineer, certified construction supervisor for civil works

Summary of the Comunitatea Mea Program:

USAID’s Comunitatea Mea (CM) is an eight-year program that aims to strengthen local governments in Moldova to become more effective, transparent, and accountable to citizens. CM is USAID’s flagship local government program providing comprehensive assistance to communities, primarily targeting local self-governing bodies. By increasing the capacity of local authorities, including their ability to work inclusively with citizens and civil society, not only services will be improved but checks and balances between the central and local governments will be strengthened, improving the overall system of democratic governance in Moldova.

Tetra Tech is a subcontractor to the prime CM implementer, IREX. Under this subcontract, Tetra Tech requires the support of a certified construction supervisor engineer for civil works (Responsabil tehnic, atestat constructii civile), who will work closely with local construction firms in all aspects of project planning, design, and oversight to produce results consistent with USAID, Moldova, and IREX standards.  The Engineer will be Chisinau-based and will regularly travel to assigned municipalities throughout Moldova. 

Main responsibilities and tasks:

  • Support the planning, design and execution of construction, alteration, or repair (including dredging and excavation) of roads, power plants, buildings, bridges, water treatment facilities, and vertical structures.
  • Monitoring and reporting on construction progress, including of determinant phases.
  • Provide engineering support to the Comunitatea Mea team, including project staff, subcontractors, construction contractors, and short-term technical assistance (STTA) resources.
  • Support the Tactical Teams, the SSCPM , the Senior Municipal Services Specialist and LPAs in the identification and selection of specific infrastructure interventions, preparation of work plans and technical packages, field surveys and feasibility assessments, review of Bill of Quantities, regular status updates and progress reports, and all other major deliverables for the infrastructure activities.
  • Support training and capacity building aspects of the program to ensure knowledge transfer to local officials and institutions, both public and private.
  • Prepare and review Technical Specifications for bidding documents and participate in the evaluation of bids.
  • Analyze sub-contracts and specifications, work with the SSCPM to prepare or approve scopes of work and timetables for the design and implementation of infrastructure activities in conjunction with work plans, USAID environmental and construction relevant regulations, and Tetra Tech and IREX policy and contractual obligations.
  • Monitor and evaluate project performance and progress and assist the SSCPM with Quality Assurance/Quality Control for all infrastructure projects.
  • Assist the SSCPM with subprojects close-outs and with the issuance of Final Acceptance certificates and subsequent handover of projects to LPA beneficiaries.

Quality Assurance and Reporting

  • Ensure that relevant elements of the infrastructure plans are being successfully implemented.
  • Support the team as needed to ensure that USAID and IREX rules and regulations are followed and that contract deliverable requirements are met.
  • Provide support to Monitoring and Evaluation team.


  • Contribute to team effort by undertaking additional tasks and responsibilities.


Qualifications: (minimum requirements)

 Education: Bachelor’s degree in an engineering discipline such as civil, construction engineering/planning, architecture, or a comparable discipline;

Work experience: At least 5 years’ experience in community construction and project management. Substantial experience in engineering quality control including review of plans, bidding documents, and scopes of work. Experience with electrical engineering is highly desirable.

Certification: valid certificate to operate as a construction supervisor engineer– Atestat Responsabil tehnic valabil.

Skills: Broad range of experience in different Civil Engineering disciplines pertinent to public service delivery – i.e. roads and streets, drainage, building and facility rehabilitation, parks rehabilitation, urban forestry, street lighting, solid waste management, human waste management; Familiar with citing and writing standards and specifications for a wide range of civil works encompassing those disciplines noted above; Able to develop and manage training and capacity building for government staff and local contractors; Understanding of Moldovan building codes, regulations, and best practices; Outstanding cross-cultural relations and interpersonal communication skills; Requires an ability to work independently and as part of a team, accept responsibility, and be extremely discrete with sensitive information.

The eligible employee is a short-term technical assistant, Moldova-based staff who works from a worksite outside the Moldova office. The total level of work is expected to be circa 10 days of work per month, for 12 months.

To apply:

Submit a cover letter and CV to: Please include “Engineer” in the subject line.

Application deadline: September 25, 2024, 4:00 PM (16:00 Republic of Moldova time)

*Applicants will be selected for an interview on a rolling basis.


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