Communication and Outreach Consultant for the Energy Vulnerability Reduction Fund
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is currently implementing the “Accelerating a Just Energy Transition in Republic of Moldova” Project that requires the services of a Communication and Outreach Consultant for the Energy Vulnerability Reduction Fund under Vacancy Announcement Qu24/02957.
Under the direct supervision of the Project Manager and the UNDP Moldova Policy Specialist, the Consultant is expected to carry out the following tasks:
• Ensure the external communication flows of the EVRF, with a focus on outreach and visibility of the latest changes and improvements to the online platform;
• Ensure visibility of the project’s activities (including via news, press-releases, speeches, articles, blog posts, social media posts, testimonials from beneficiaries, campaigns and dedicated events);
• Establish meaningful partnerships with mass-media, at the local and national levels;
• Ensure guidance and supervision of service providers in the field of communications, in line with UNDP rules and procedures (from ToR to implementation and monitoring): branding, printing, social media, graphic design, publications, event management etc.
• Ensure compliance with all corporate rules and regulations of UNDP, the donor, partner UN agencies, and the Government of Moldova in the field of communication and visibility promotion and reporting.
Deadline for submission of proposals: 02 September 2024, 16:30 (GMT+3:00)
For details regarding the competition and submission requirements, please visit the page:
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