CDA hires an International Relations specialist for the implementation unit within the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection

Centrul de Drept al Avocatilor is hiring International Relations specialist

CDA hires an International Relations specialist for the implementation unit within the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection.


Job title:

International Relations Specialist

Place of service:


Type of contract:

Service contract 9 months


Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family

Published Date:

February 5, 2024

CV submission deadline:

February 12, 2024

Key areas of responsibility

  1. Ensuring cooperation with external partners whose strategy is to provide support in managing the Refugee Crisis;
  2. Keeping in permanent contact with external partners to ensure the smooth running of the collaboration with MMPS;
  3. Organizes, coordinates and participates in the activities of negotiation, completion, signing and promotion for approval of the concluded cooperation documents and subsequently monitors their application;
  4. Centralizes and analyzes the conclusions and proposals resulting from the activities of the team involved in managing the refugee crisis on specific areas of cooperation;
  5. Preparation of reports, briefing notes and minutes on the management of the migrant and refugee crisis, as well as agreements and memoranda;
  6. Examines the possibility of cooperation with organizations in the country and abroad;
  7. Ensures the examination and preparation of responses to requests received in the context of the crisis, coordination with the relevant directorates.

Qualifications and skills required:

Academic qualifications:

  • University degree.

Experience and knowledge:

  • Previous work experience in the field
  • Good organizational and time management skills.
  • Proficiency in Excel, Word, Power Point, database usage


  • Fluent knowledge of Romanian, Russian and English
  • Good analytical skills and good oral and written communication skills.
  • The ability to work effectively under stress and in crisis situations.
  • Cultural and gender awareness.

CDA is committed to ensuring diversity of its workforce. Women and men, people with disabilities, Roma and other ethnic or religious minorities, people living with HIV, LGBTQI+, as well as refugees and other people who have the legal right to work in the Republic of Moldova are encouraged to apply.

Please provide details in your CV of previous employment and two references.


Please send a cover letter and CV to . Selected applicants will be contacted by email.

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