Termen extins 2: Se angajează consultanți(te) pentru elaborarea strategiei organizaționale și a procedurilor interne/ HelpAge is looking for consutants to elaborate the business model and organisational procedures

 TOR for consultancy on locally led HelpAge Moldova NGO

1. Background:

As part of HelpAge International’s commitment to transition aid through its signatory to the Charter4Change, HelpAge International is seeking to empower locally led leadership and ownership of the ageing agenda in Moldova. As part of this process, a registration of the national NGO “HelpAge Moldova” was enabled in 2022 to build an autonomous and locally managed programme of work in the area of ageing and protection of the rights of older people.

In light with the above, HelpAge Moldova is seeking 2 consultants for the following assignments:

(1) explore the business model of HelpAge Moldova based on the context in the area of ageing in the country, needs and resources through consultation with the staff and external stakeholders and based on this elaborate the organizational development strategy and action plan to drive the development of HelpAge Moldova for a medium to long-term period.

(2) develop the internal management structure and systems for identified business model with internal policies and operational procedures for the national NGO, in line with local legislation and all relevant international frameworks on civil society development and functioning.


Please, download detailed ToRs from the following link TOR for consultancy on locally led HelpAge Moldova NGO

Expressions of interest should be sent to officehelpage@gmail.com with the title of the email  ”Application for strategy and policies development”. The deadline for submitting the application is 15 August 2023. Only shortlisted consultants will be contacted.

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