Handicap International is hiring Inclusive Humanitarian Action Officer

Handicap International has clear institutional policies on "Child Protection", "Anti-fraud, Bribery and Corruption", "Disability, Gender and Age" and "Protection of Beneficiaries from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment”. It is therefore mandatory for all staff to commit themselves to respect, uphold and promote these policies, and to sign the HI Code and Conduct.


In the frame of the Moldovan response and mobilization to the refugees related to the Ukraine situation, the Inclusive Humanitarian officer participates in the initial needs and assessment and in the design and implementation of activities to promote inclusive humanitarian action towards national and international stakeholders in close collaboration with organizations of persons with disabilities.


  1. Contribute to the mapping of actors
  • Identify any relevant humanitarian actors providing humanitarian assistance related to the Ukrainian crisis and / including among organizations of persons with disabilities to establish a service mapping including information on accessibility and reasonable accommodations
  • Participate upon demand of the IHA manager in relevant coordination mechanism of the humanitarian response and represent HI towards relevant international, national and local actors
  • Engage with HI teams to establishing and update a comprehensive mapping of services and an orientation/ referral system inclusive of the need of persons with disabilities


  1. Responsibility 2: Assess the barriers and enablers of service access


  • Contribute to the contextualization, testing and translation of tools to collect information on barriers and facilitators of service access
  • Provide recommendations on accessibility and contextual relevance of the suggested methodology of assessment to promote it complies with an inclusive approach
  • Creating links with grassroots organizations, protection/gender/disability focal points of other organizations (national and international) to collaborate on inclusive humanitarian action efforts, including in community engagement initiatives
  • Participate in the organization and implementation of assessment exercises with HI team and in close collaboration with organizations of persons with disabilities, including the collect information on barriers and facilitators of service access (key interviews, field observations, focus groups discussions)
  • Contribute to defining actions to remove barriers in humanitarian service provision and the production and dissemination of barriers and enablers reports, awareness rising messages and materials in accessible formats
  1. Sensitization and capacity building



  • Identify needs of technical support among HI staff to promote inclusive service delivery
  • Support in the design, provision and monitoring of information, sensitization and trainings activities to HI operational teams (Social Workers, Project Managers and Technical Advisors and Officers). This could also consist of direct provision of both formal and on the job trainings, monitoring visits, technical advisory and coaching
  • Provide them with the appropriate tools to better plan and deliver services inclusive of the most vulnerable groups in particular persons with disabilities
  • Contribute to the contextualization of information, sensitization and training tools and materials in accessible formats



  • Contribute to the revision of humanitarian actor’s activity designs, IEC tools, IEC and communication materials to ensure they compile with universal standards of accessibility and diversity criteria
  • Contribute to the rapid interest and technical support assessment and monitoring of the humanitarian service providers with the existing materials
  • Conduct upon request of IHA manager technical support and capacity building activities (joint visits, training, awareness, technical guidance, sensitization on guidelines etc.)
  • Disseminate sensitization materials, trainings materials, guidelines and other relevant documents among the local, national and international organizations and other stakeholders


  1. Community mobilization following inclusive approach
  • Identify community capacities and support mechanisms for persons with disabilities and other groups at risk
  • Support in the identification of risk factors and barriers for vulnerable host families as well as families hosting vulnerable persons, including persons with disabilities and define priorities of support
  • Identify and record their level of inclusiveness including barriers that might hinder the equal and dignified access of most vulnerable groups to services and community based mechanisms
  • Guide community based initiatives and service providers working with those to implement activities following an inclusive approach through awareness rising, advocacy or technical support


  1. Representation of HI and external coordination


  • Representation of HI, its inclusion approach within all kind of coordination meetings at local level
  • Disseminate key inclusion messages and recommendations to the humanitarian community, other service providers, local authorities and community leaders
  • Report on the identified gaps (situation of exclusion) good practices that promote the inclusion of most vulnerable and opportunities to promote inclusion at local level
  1. Project Reporting, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Support
  • Contribute to the collection of relevant data on activities done in compliance with M&E tools (attendance sheets for trainings, donation certificates for Inclusion Toolkits, etc.)
  • Reporting daily and weekly basis to your manager and technical referent about activities done (trainings, awareness sessions, toolkits delivered, etc.) in compliance with M&E tools
  • Contributing to the capitalization of tools developed during the project; lessons learned quality evaluation etc.
  • Monitor and evaluate the relevance of implemented according to the desired outcomes of the inclusion strategy and contribute to the collection/compilation of relevant data with the provided tools for M&E for internal and external monitoring and reporting purposes as indicated
  • Respect age, gender and disability sensitive data collection
  1. Logistics, Administration and Human Resource Support
  • Respect compliance with logistic, administration and Human Resource processes
  • Anticipate the logistic needs and communicate to the appropriate persons according to the internal processes

Duration of Contract: starting date 15/11/2022 to 31/12/2023


All interested candidates should send their CVs, cover letters, copies of educational and experience certificates, with attachments bearing your full name; example: Julie NASH – CV (for your CV) and Julie NASH - Cover Letter (for your cover letter) with the subject of the position applied for by email only to: m.recruitment@hi.org


Closing date for applications is Nov 6th 2022