UNICEF ITB-2024-9195059 Procurement of Twenty-five (25) titles of Hardcover Children's Storybooks

UNICEF Moldova Country Office invites interested companies to submit bids for:

Procurement of Twenty-five (25) titles of Hardcover Children's Storybooks

Please download the attached ITB document for a detailed list and description of the required 25 titles of Hardcover Children's Storybooks.

Closing date: 13 January, 23:59, EET

How to apply: Submit your bid by email to chisinautenders@unicef.orgPlease follow the submission instructions included in the ITB document.

Questions can be sent to lprosii@unicef.org until 08.01.2025, 17:00 (EET). Depersonalized questions and answers will be published on the UNGM tender web-page. 

Please find in the link all related to the competition documents : https://sc.undp.md/tnddetails_un2/2976/

Banner Audit Juridic CICO 300 x 250 px 2


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