Tender Notice for Health and Life Insurance for NRC Moldova, # RFP-MOL-CO-24-001

Dear Supplier,

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is an independent humanitarian organization, dedicated to supporting forcibly displaced people by providing them with protection and support to build a safer future. Further information about our work can be found on our website: www.nrc.no.

The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) tender is to select a health and life insurance company to set up a one-year FWA (with possibility of extension for another year) for the provision of health and life insurance to all NRC national staff in in Moldova.        


Tender issue date: 21th November 2024  

Tender close date: 12th December 2024, 17.00


General Instructions:

1. To download the RFP full package, please follow the link: https://etbsystem.no/ClientTrans/Download?ID=TdBxkaXVbbA%3d

2. Questions and clarifications: If you have any questions regarding this RFP, you can address them by accessing the following link: https://etbsystem.no/ClientTrans/QA?ID=TdBxkaXVbbA%3d

3. Submission of bids: Please submit your bid via the following link: https://etbsystem.no/ClientTrans/Upload?ID=TdBxkaXVbbA%3d



Your offer must be submitted by 12.12.2024, 17:00.

The documents requested in the RFP package must be fully attached, even if they have been previously provided in other procedures.


Important Note:

Please note that offers sent by email will not be considered compliant and will therefore not be considered.


Thank you for your interest and look forward to your offer.


Procurement Team

NRC Moldova

Banner Audit Juridic CICO 300 x 250 px 2


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