Competition for the Selection of an Expert in Marine Ecology

Ecological Counseling Center Cahul,

Republic of Moldova

announces a competition for the selection of an Expert in Marine Ecology

Activity within the project " Carbon Binding Blue Black Sea" BSB00020 – BlueC, co-financed by the European Union within the Interreg NEXT Program Black Sea Basin.

Under the guidance of the Ecological Counseling Center Cahul, the Expert in Marine Ecology will provide services in accordance with the Terms of Reference.

Qualifications and Skills Required:

  • Relevant university degree.
  • A minimum of 5 years of professional experience in the field.
  • Proven experience in implementing similar projects at the international level.
  • Strong teamwork and collaboration skills.
  • Proficiency in English at a C1 level.

Content of the Offer:

Interested individuals should submit the following documents:

  • A financial proposal;
  • Curriculum vitae.

Detailed information regarding the requested services is included in the attached Terms of Reference.

Offers must be submitted no later than 4th of November, 2024, by email to with the reference "Competition - Expert in Marine Ecology."





" Expert in Marine Ecology"

within the project " Carbon Binding Blue Black Sea", (Project No. BSB00020),  co-financed by the European Union within the Interreg NEXT Program Black Sea Basin.

22 October 2024


Ecological Counseling Center Cahul, announces the competition through a request for offers for the selection of an Education Expert, an activity within the project " Carbon Binding Blue Black Sea”.


Project description:

Seagrass meadows are part of the coastal "blue carbon" ecosystems that serve as a sink for organic
carbon, sequestering it in their biomass and sediments. However, they have been in decline at a
global scale throughout the 20 century and at increasing rates since the 1990s due to coastal
development, water quality deterioration and eutrophication, as well as climate change. They are
exposed to direct physical effect by illegal trawling, and indirectly by the sedimentation resulting from
harbour and breakwater construction, boat anchorage or soil erosion. Furthermore, potential effects
of the global climate change such as sea water temperature increases, carbon dioxide level
increases, reduction of pH levels and acidification, impacts the photosynthesis of meadows, hence
affects reproduction and development.

General objective:

The vegetated habitats such as seagrasses of seas form earth’s blue carbon sinks and account for
more than 50% of all carbon storage in ocean sediments. This action aims at preservation of
seagrasses via blue carbon management tools to ensure that they are protected, their degradation is
prevented, and they are allowed to be maintained in a satisfactory state of conservation, in line with
the Strategic Action Plan for the Environmental Protection and Rehabilitation of the Black Sea.


The expert will perform the following tasks:

  • Collection of reliable information, including seagrass mapping data in the Lower Prut region;
  • Gather data and monitor marine litter;
  • Develop a survey with a minimum of 20-30 questions related to Environmental Impact Assessment legislation and distribute it to 1,500 individuals;
  • Structure and incorporate an integrated database system;
  • Prepare an ecosystem-based impact assessment guide in cooperation with 10 local public authorities and 2 universities/institutions in Moldova;
  • Inform relevant institutions in Moldova (at least 15) about the database and its usage;
  • Organize a congress/workshop to disseminate results and promote collaboration;
  • Organize and coordinate networking events to create opportunities for professionals in the field;
  • Collaborate with the project team to implement the established activities and tasks.

Qualifications and Skills Required:

  • Relevant university degree.
  • A minimum of 5 years of professional experience in the field.
  • Proven experience in implementing similar projects at the international level.
  • Strong teamwork and collaboration skills.
  • Proficiency in the English language at a C1 level.

Expected Results:

The selected expert will deliver the requested services in accordance with the conditions outlined by the Ecological Counseling Center Cahul, as detailed in this document and based on the signed contract between the expert and ECC Cahul.

Offer Requirements:

The submission should include:

  • A detailed curriculum vitae.
  • A financial proposal presented in Euros, covering a total amount for 29 months, starting from November 2024.

All personal data will be used solely for internal purposes at ECC Cahul, with confidentiality ensured.

Evaluation Criteria:

The price quoted in the proposal is final and may not be adjusted after the submission deadline. The selection of proposals will be based on the principle of the lowest price offered in relation to the requested tasks.

Payment for Services Rendered:

Payments will be processed via bank transfer in MDL, in accordance with the service contract.

Submission of Offers:

Offers should be sent electronically to: E-mail: with the reference "Purchase - Expert in Marine Ecology."


All offers must be submitted no later than 4th of November, 2024, by 5:00 p.m.

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