Request for Proposals - IRI is looking for Polling Services


The International Republican Institute (IRI) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, organization dedicated to advancing freedom and democracy worldwide.  Since 1983, IRI has worked to develop democratic institutions and ideals, carrying out a variety of international programs to promote freedom, self-government and the rule of law worldwide.  IRI provides technical assistance in the areas of political party strengthening, developing civic institutions and open elections, promoting democratic governance and advancing the rule of law.  

IRI’s work in Moldova is geared toward developing the capacity of political parties—with specific focus on internal structures and processes, financial compliance and outreach to voters. IRI’s programming seeks to strengthen the ability political leaders to organize themselves and effectively communicate and represent the Moldovan citizens. A key component of this work is the regular polling that IRI conducts in order to gauge public sentiment and in turn to inform political parties and local stakeholders on issues relevant to constituents. 

Period of Performance 

November 1, 2024 – October 30, 2025, with an option to extend up to one additional year. 

Statement of Work 


Public opinion data shall be obtained through a survey of Moldova that is designed to obtain the most accurate possible information about: (a) ratings of government institutions, political parties and politicians, (b) elections, (c) Moldovan media environment, (d) foreign relations, and (e) social and economic issues.   

It is IRI’s preference that data collection for this survey is conducted through face-to-face interviews (PAPI/CAPI). Should this be impossible or inadvisable, IRI will accept proposals for phone interviews (CATI.) 

The bidder will conduct two surveys during the initial period of performance with the option to extend for one year and two additional surveys. 


 (1) General Responsibilities of Bidder.  For each survey, the bidder shall be responsible for the project design and execution, including the following specific tasks: 

(a) translation, formatting, pretesting, adaptation, and printing of questionnaires (PAPI) or programming of questionnaires (CAPI/CATI). 

(b) development of a Sampling Plan, to be based a multistage stratified plan (PAPI/CAPI) or a CATI sampling methodology (CATI); list and explain any geographic or other exclusions; the proposed Sampling Plan will be reviewed by, and any further changes agreed upon by IRI and Bidder will be incorporated. 

(c) training supervisors and interviewers. 

(d) arranging and supervising all aspects of fieldwork, including back-checks. 

(e) interview data will be provided to server administered by third-party  

From project design to execution, the bidder must comply with any laws governing human subjects research that apply to face-to-face and phone polling in Moldova, including data privacy laws. 

(2) Questionnaire.  For each survey, IRI will provide a draft questionnaire, and the bidder will provide input, such as a need for rephrasing certain terms for local context. The questionnaire will be approximately 50% identical from wave to wave. 

IRI requests translation into Russian and Romanian. Translations will be reviewed and approved by IRI. 

For PAPI, full versions should be printed, and interviewers should be allowed to code the questionnaire in the interview language. For CAPI/CATI at least the main interview language must be programmed—only programming in English (unless English is the main interview language) is not sufficient. For PAPI/CAPI, the questionnaire may call for showcards, which need to be printed in all translated languages. For PAPI/CAPI, the estimated average interview duration is 45 minutes, and for CATI the estimated average interview duration is 15 minutes. 

3) Sample Design.  For each survey, IRI requires a national sample of 1,200 adults, aged 18 or older that is representative of the population of the survey universe. IRI may also ask for an oversample of either n=400 youth aged 18-35, or n=400 residents of Chisinau. Planned exclusions of the population of the survey universe (e.g. geographic, linguistic, lacking accessing to a phone etc.) must be discussed during quotation stage.  

For PAPI/CAPI, the sample shall be drawn using recognized probability methods, all the way down to the selection of the individual respondent at the household level.  In the event that any departure from probability sampling methods is recommended by the bidder for all or any part of the survey, the sampling methodologies to be employed shall be described in detail and a rationale for their use shall be provided.  IRI’s general preferred sampling approach is: 

  1. Stage 1: Proportional Stratification by administrative units as per census (e.g. province, district etc.) 
  1. Stage 2: Proportional Stratification by urban/rural status (if census data exists) 
  1. Stage 3: Random selection of Sampling Point (no more than 10 interviews per Sampling Point) within each Stage 2 stratum 
  1. Stage 4: Random route household selection within each Sampling Point. Starting point within Sampling Point ideally randomly determined by satellite map or GPS coordinates. 
  1. Stage 5: Random selection of respondent within each selected household by KISH grid or last/next birthday method. 

Sample Sampling Plan for n=1000 with 10 interviews per Sampling Point (SP) 

Proportional Stratification for Stages 1 and 2 



% of country’s 18+ population  

# of SPs in district 

% of population of district urban 

% of population of district rural 

# of urban SPs in district 

# of rural SPs in district 

District A 






District B 






District C 




District D 






District E 






District F 




A detailed sampling plan (template provided by IRI) shall be submitted to the IRI prior to fieldwork, including a description of the survey coverage, allocation of the sample, description of the sampling frame, description of any stratification criteria to be used, description of the stages of selection and the selections methods to be used at each stage, a definition of the Sampling Points and approximate number of interviews to be conducted within each Sampling Point, the method to be used for selection of the respondent at the household level, an explanation for any divergence from use of the KISH grid for respondent selection, and call-back rules to be employed. It is assumed that the sample will be distributed in proportion to the population of each region or other geographic unit to be surveyed; in the event that the bidder wishes to propose a sample design departing from this principle the proposal should describe the allocation to be used and the reasons for doing so.  The sample plan should address how any oversample interviews will be allocated and selected.  

For CATI, the sample shall be drawn using recognized probability methods, all the way down to the selection of the individual respondent.  In the event that any departure from probability sampling methods is recommended by the bidder for all or any part of the survey, the sampling methodologies to be employed shall be described in detail and a rationale for their use shall be provided.   IRI’s preferred approach to CATI is sampling list-based, provided that recent sampling frame data exists in form of listings of all phone numbers (landline and mobile, incl. of all major mobile phone service providers.) Alternatively, IRI accepts an RDD approach, ideally with some stratification, e.g. by area code. A detailed sampling methodology shall be submitted to the IRI prior to fieldwork, including a description of the survey coverage, allocation of the sample, description of the sampling frame, description of any stratification criteria to be used, description of the stages of selection and the selections methods to be used at each stage, the method to be used for selection of the respondent in case of shared phone numbers, and call-back rules to be employed. It is assumed that the sample will be distributed in proportion to the population of each region or other geographic unit to be surveyed; in the event that the bidder wishes to propose a sample design departing from this principle the proposal should describe the allocation to be used and the reasons for doing so.    

(4) Pre-test.  For each survey, the questionnaire shall be pre-tested by the bidder prior to the commencement of any fieldwork.  No less than 20 pre-test interviews shall be conducted and in surveys with translations into multiple languages, no less than 10 interviews per language.  The bidder shall provide IRI with a written report of the results of the pre-test, along with details of any problems encountered and suggested remedies, prior to the commencement of any fieldwork. 

(5) Fieldwork.  Interviews shall be conducted by experienced field workers who shall be thoroughly briefed by the bidder prior to commencement of any fieldwork.  Remote training via video-conference is acceptable. The bidder shall ensure that interviewers are thoroughly familiar with household and respondent selection procedures, call back procedures (at least 3 attempts total before substituting a selected respondent), and the structure of the questionnaire, including routing and filtering.  Interviewer training shall include practice sessions in administering the questionnaire. All interviewers must have at least completed secondary education and must be fully fluent (reading and speaking) in the language(s) in which they are to administer the interviews.  No interviewer shall conduct more than 10% of the total interviews, but a 5% upper limit would be preferable. A minimum of 10% of interviews shall be back checked or accompanied/live listened to by a team supervisor.  

For PAPI/CAPI, the interviews shall be face-to-face and they shall be conducted in the home of the respondent. IRI prefers questionnaire administration via CAPI but is open to paper-and-pencil questionnaire administration if CAPI use is not feasible or advisable. For CATI, the interviews will be conducted on the phone.  

Household and respondent selection must be tracked on a contact tracking sheet or similar—this will be needed to calculate the response rate. Informed consent (oral is acceptable unless country laws require written) must be sought prior to commencing the interview. IRI will provide draft informed consent language to the bidder and this template may be updated by the bidder to conform with the country’s legal requirements. 

(6) Data Processing.  If PAPI is used, the bidder shall be responsible for data entry with a 10% double-punch standard and bidder must then enter data from the paper questionnaire into a software; individual cases will then be uploaded to a server administered by a third party for SPSS dataset creation.   

For both CATI and CAPI, bidder shall upload individual survey cases directly to the server administered by a third-party for SPSS dataset creation.  

The third-party consultant will be responsible for coding and cleaning the dataset, though the bidder must be available to answer any questions that arise from the data cleaning process.  

(7) Technical Report.  When delivering data for each survey, the bidder shall provide a Technical Report (template provided by IRI) which shall include the following:  

(a) PAPI/CAPI: A complete Sampling Plan, including list of PSUs and individual sampling points and number of interviews conducted at each sampling point. CATI: Complete sampling methodology  

(b) Details of response rates, including tabulation of unsuccessful interview attempts, with reasons for non-response (i.e. respondent refusal, proxy refusal, inability to locate selected respondent, etc.). IRI’s preference is to use the AAPOR standard definitions for reporting response rates ( Vendors should specify which response rate formula they are using in the technical report. 

(c) A brief report on survey operations including any practical difficulties encountered in carrying out the survey. Fieldwork photos (not showing any respondent faces) would be highly appreciated as well. 

(d) a brief report of fieldwork quality control measures that were taken to ensure the quality of the data, and any issues uncovered, and steps taken to resolve them; 

(e) Estimated sampling error. 

(8) Summary of deliverables.  The Deliverables to be provided to IRI by the bidder are as follows:   

  1. Sampling Plan/ Methodology 
  1. Pretest report 
  1. Copies of the final questionnaire, as fielded, in English and translations 
  1. Provide interview data to server  
  1. A technical report  

(9) Delivery Schedule.  Bidder will complete the timeline table below during the proposal stage, indicating the number of business days it will take to complete a survey. Any deviations from the proposed timeline caused by any party other than IRI will result in deductions of the contract award and may disqualify the bidder from future procurements: 

Stage of survey 


Sampling plan 

Due X business days after contract signature 

Translated questionnaire 

Due X business days after receipt of English questionnaire 


Starts within X business days of IRI’s approval of sampling plan or translated questionnaire, whichever is later 

Submission of pretest report 

Due X business days after pretest start date 

Fieldwork start 

Begins X business days after IRI’s acceptance of pre-test report.  

Fieldwork end 

CAPI/PAPI national: X business days after fieldwork start 

CAPI/PAPI national + youth oversample: X business days after fieldwork start 

CAPI/PAPI national + Chisinau oversample: X business days after fieldwork start 

CATI national: X business days after fieldwork start 

CATI national + youth oversample: X business days after fieldwork start 

CATI national + Chisinau oversample: X business days after fieldwork start 

Provide interview data to server and technical report 

Due X business days after end of fieldwork 

Technical Proposals  

All proposals submitted to IRI must include: 

  1. Information addressing Bidder’s experience in providing each of the services identified in the above Statement of Work and Bidder’s proposed specific approach for providing those services to IRI under this contract, including sufficient information to determine a clear definition of services as it relates to other providers that may be involved. 
  1. The name, address, and telephone and facsimile numbers of the Bidder (and electronic address if available). If the Bidder is a firm, name(s) should be provided for individuals authorized to conduct business on behalf of the firm.  
  1. Bidders may provide a list of up to three references for work performed of a similar nature during the last three years, along with contact details. IRI may contact the references to evaluate past performance. 
  1. If the Bidder is a U.S. organization/resident, or a foreign organization/resident which has income effectively connected with the conduct of activities in the U.S. or has an office or a place of business or a fiscal paying agent in the U.S., the information submitted must contain Bidder’s Taxpayer Identification Number. 
  1. Proposals will not exceed 5-10 pages (not including cover page). 
  1. Proposals must contain the following: 
  • List surveys with similar specifications previously conducted in this country 
  • Explain if planning on using subcontractors for any tasks  
  • Is bidder able to comply with all requirements listed on the SOW without alterations? If any proposed alterations, explain. 
  • Coverage, if not 100% of non-institutionalized adults aged 18+: 
  • Describe sampling methodology, including design and the source the sampling frame is drawn from, household selection, respondent selection, number of call-backs 
  • Anticipated response rate 
  • List interview method (F2F Paper and Pencil, CAPI) 
  • Describe Number of Interviewers intended for this project and Interviewer Training (duration, topics etc.) 
  • Describe fieldwork quality control (direct observation, personal backchecks, phone backchecks etc.) 
  • Describe data entry and data checks protocol (e.g. checks for duplicate entries, logic checks etc.) 
  • Please describe methods for securely storing and sending survey data. 
  • Bidders will submit a completed timeline table as presented in the SOW section. X will be replaced by the number of business days required for each step. 
  • Describe bidder’s Russian and Romanian language skills 
  • Please attach valid business registration which confirms bidder is licensed to conduct public opinion research in Moldova 
  • Please indicate whether bidder is affiliated with any political parties operating in Moldova 
  • Please indicate whether bidder complies with any laws governing human subjects research that apply to face-to-face and phone polling in Moldova, including data privacy laws 
  • Describe anticipated challenges if any 

Price Proposals  

Bidders must propose a firm-fixed Unit Price for each of the deliverables identified below and in the format of the table below.  The Bidder’s pricing must be valid for at least 60 (sixty) calendar days after the due date for proposal submission. The proposed Unit Price should be fixed and inclusive of all costs to perform, including inspection services, transportation, taxes, import duties (if any), and other levies.  To the extent that a Bidder proposed to include any pricing not reflected in the table below, such pricing must be fully described in the proposal. Proposals must be submitted in USD, payments under any resulting contract will be made in this currency. 

CAPI/PAPI surveys: 

Insert cost per deliverable in USD    

National survey n=1,200 (CAPI/PAPI) 

National survey n=1,200 + n=400 youth oversample (CAPI/PAPI) 

National survey n=1,200 + n=400 Chisinau oversample (CAPI/PAPI) 

Sampling Methodology, Pretest Report and Copies of Final Questionnaire w/Translations*    (Payment 1) 


Submit all individual completed questionnaires to server and technical report (Payment 2) 




*The cost for payment 1 may not exceed 30% of the total amount quoted.  

CATI surveys: 

Insert cost per deliverable in USD 

National survey n=1,200 (CATI) 

National survey n=1,200 + n=400 youth oversample (CATI) 

National survey n=1,200 + n=400 Chisinau oversample (CATI) 

Sampling Methodology, Pretest Report and Copies of Final Questionnaire w/Translations*    (Payment 1) 


Submit all individual completed questionnaires to server and technical report (Payment 2) 




*The cost for payment 1 may not exceed 30% of the total amount quoted. 

Evaluation and Award Process 

  1. IRI may contact any Bidder for clarification or additional information, but Bidders are advised that IRI intends to evaluate the offers based on the written proposals, without discussions, and reserves the right to make decisions based solely on the information provided with the initial proposals. IRI may but is not obligated to conduct additional negotiations with the most highly rated Bidders prior to award of a contract, and may at its sole discretion elect to issue contracts to one or more Bidders. 
  1. Mathematical errors will be corrected in the following manner: If a discrepancy exists between the total price proposed and the total price resulting from multiplying the unit price by the corresponding amounts, then the unit price will prevail and the total price will be corrected. If there is a discrepancy between the numbers written out in words and the amounts in numbers, then the amount expressed in words will prevail. If the Bidder does not accept the correction, the offer will be rejected.  
  1. IRI may determine that a proposal is unacceptable if the prices proposed are materially unbalanced between line items or sub-line items. Unbalanced pricing exists when, despite an acceptable total evaluated price, the price of one or more contract line items is significantly overstated or understated as indicated by the application of cost or price analysis techniques. A proposal may be rejected if IRI determines that the lack of balance poses an unacceptable risk.  
  1. IRI will conduct a  source selection based as follows: 

IRI intends to make an award to the responsible Bidder based on the following evaluation factors: 

  1. Technical evaluation, (including technical capabilities, proposed technical approach, and personnel qualifications) – 40 percent. 
  • Sampling methodology – 15 percent  
  • Capacity to perform scope of work – 15 percent 
  • Proposed timeline (including length and feasibility) – 10 percent. 
  1. Ability to store and send data securely – 15 percent 
  1. Experience in performing similar projects – 20 Percent  
  • Experience conducting face to face and 

telephone polling in Moldova – 20 Percent  

c) Price – 25 percent 

IRI intends to evaluate Bidders’ proposals in accordance with these factors and make an award to the responsible Bidder whose proposal is most advantageous to the program.    

  1. If a cost realism analysis is performed, cost realism may be considered in evaluating performance or price.  

Submission Instructions 

Bids must be submitted via email to Eric Peterman, at with the subject line “EURASIA2024MO09o -RFP” by the deadline listed above. 

RFP Terms and Conditions 

  1. Prospective Bidders are requested to review clauses incorporated by reference in the section “Notice Listing Contract Clauses Incorporated by Reference”. 
  1. IRI may reject any or all proposals if such is within IRI’s interest. 
  1. Proof of costs incurred, such as but not limited to receipts, pictures and financial documents, may be requested during and for up to three years after the end of the contract period.  
  1. The Bidder’s initial proposal should contain the Bidder’s best offer.  
  1. Payment will be made upon receipt of invoices and deliverables/services. 
  1. Discussions with Bidders following the receipt of a proposal do not constitute a rejection or counteroffer by IRI. 
  1. IRI will hold all submissions as confidential and submissions shall not be disclosed to third parties. IRI reserves the right to share proposals internally, across divisions, for the purposes of evaluating the proposals.  
  1. For any currency conversion, the exchange rate to US Dollars listed on on the closing date of this solicitation shall be used.  
  1. Every contract will contain provisions governing termination for cause and termination for convenience. 
  1. By submitting a proposal, offeror agrees to comply with all terms, conditions, and provisions included in the solicitation and agreement to the services identified above, and will specifically identify any disagreement with or exceptions to the terms, conditions, and provisions. 
  1. Offerors confirm that the prices in the proposal/proposal/application/quote have been arrived at independently, without any consultation, communication, or agreement with any other Bidder or competitor for the purpose of restricting competition. 
  1. If IRI continues to require the goods and services and the price remains reasonable and within market norms, the resulting contract may be renewed each year for up to 5 years with 30 days’ notice to the Contractor. Bidder must establish any price increase for each renewal year in the initial bid. 
  1. By applying to this RFP, applicant is certifying that if it is awarded a contract, none of funds payable under the resulting contract will be used to (1) procure or obtain, extend or renew a contract to procure or obtain; (2) enter into a contract (or extend or renew a contract) to procure; or (3) obtain the equipment, services, or systems that uses covered telecommunications equipment or services as a substantial or essential component of any system, or as critical technology as part of any system in compliance with the National Defense Authorization Act. Covered telecommunications equipment and services mean any of the following: 
  1. Telecommunications equipment produced by Huawei Technologies Company or ZTE Corporation (or any subsidiary or affiliate of such entities). 
  1. For the purpose of public safety, security of government facilities, physical security surveillance of critical infrastructure, and other national security purposes, video surveillance and telecommunications equipment produced by Hytera Communications Corporation, Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company, or Dahua Technology Company (or any subsidiary or affiliate of such entities). 
  1. Telecommunications or video surveillance services provided by such entities or using such equipment. 
  1. Telecommunications or video surveillance equipment or services produced or provided by an entity that the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Director of the National Intelligence or the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, reasonably believes to be an entity owned or controlled by, or otherwise connected to, the government of a covered foreign country. (2 CFR 200.216). 
  1. Bidders agree to disclose as part of the proposal submission: 
  • Any close, familial, or financial relationships with IRI staff and agents. For example, the Bidder must disclose if a Bidder’s mother conducts volunteer trainings for IRI. 
  • Any family or financial relationship with other Bidders submitting proposals. For example, if the Bidder’s father owns a company that is submitting another proposal, the Bidder must state this. 
  • Any other action that might be interpreted as potential conflict of interest. 

Notice Listing Contract Clauses Incorporated by Reference 

IRI is required to make the contractor subject to certain flowdown clauses of the prime award. This awarded contract will incorporate one or more clauses by reference, with the same force and effect as if they were given in full text. Where “flow-down” to the contractor is applicable, references to “USAID/Department of State” shall be interpreted to mean “IRI”, “Recipient” to mean “Contractor”, and “Subrecipient” to mean “lower-tier subcontractor.” Included by reference are the applicable provisions contained in Appendix II to 2 CFR Part 200 and USAID Standard Provisions for Non-US Non-governmental Organizations/US Department of State Standard Terms and Conditions. 

IRI Obligations 

Issuance of this RFP does not constitute an award commitment on the part of IRI, nor does it commit IRI to pay for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of a proposal or quotation.  

Required Certifications 

The following certificates need to be signed by all Bidders. These certifications are an integral part of the quotation/proposal. Please print them off and send back to us with your proposal after signature on each certificate. They are:  

  • Certification regarding debarment, suspension, ineligibility and voluntary exclusion lower tier covered transactions  
  • Authorized Individuals 


This certification implements Executive Order 12549, Debarment and Suspension and the requirements set forth in 2.C.F.R. 180, Subpart C.” 

Copies of the regulations may be obtained by contacting the person to which this proposal is submitted. 

  1. By signing and submitting this proposal/application/quote, the prospective lower tier participant is providing the certification set out below. 
  1. The certification in this clause is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was entered into. If it is later determined that the prospective lower tier participant knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government, the department or agency with which this transaction originated may pursue available remedies, including suspension and/or debarment. 
  1. The prospective lower tier participant shall provide immediate written notice to the person to which this proposal/application/quote is submitted if at any time the prospective lower tier participant learns that its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. 
  1. The terms "covered transaction," "debarred," "suspended," "ineligible," "lower tier covered transaction," "participant," "person," "primary covered transaction," "principal," "proposal," and "voluntarily excluded," as used in this clause, have the meanings set out in the Definitions and Coverage sections of the rules implementing Executive Order 12549. 
  1. The prospective lower tier participant agrees by submitting this proposal/application/quote that, should the proposed covered transaction be entered into, it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covered transaction with a person who is debarred, suspended, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this covered transaction, unless authorized by the IRI.  
  1. The prospective lower tier participant further agrees by submitting this proposal/application/quote that it will include the clause titled "Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion--Lower Tier Covered Transactions," without modification, in all lower tier covered transactions and in all solicitations for lower tier covered transactions.  
  1. A participant in a covered transaction may rely upon a certification of a prospective participant in a lower tier covered transaction that it is not debarred, suspended, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from the covered transaction, unless it knows that the certification is erroneous. A participant may decide the method and frequency by which it determines the eligibility of its principals. 
  1. Nothing contained in the foregoing shall be construed to require establishment of a system of records in order to render in good faith the certification required by this clause. The knowledge and information of a participant is not required to exceed that which is normally possessed by a prudent person in the ordinary course of business dealings.  
  1. Except for transactions authorized under paragraph 5 above, if a participant in a covered transaction knowingly enters into a lower tier covered transaction with a person who is suspended, debarred, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government, the department or agency with which this transaction originated may pursue available remedies, including suspension and/or debarment. 
  1. The prospective lower tier participant certifies, by submission of this proposal, that neither it nor its principals are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for disbarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal department or agency. 
  1. Where the prospective lower tier participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this proposal. 

Signature:  ____________________________ 

Date:   ____________________________ 

Name:   ____________________________ 

Title/Position:  ____________________________ 

Entity Name:  ____________________________ 

Address:   ________________________________________________________ 

Authorized Individuals 

The offeror/bidder/applicant represents that the following persons are authorized to negotiate on its behalf with IRI and to bind the recipient in connection with this procurement: 






Signature:  ____________________________ 

Date:   ____________________________ 

Name:   ____________________________ 

Title/Position:  ____________________________ 

Entity Name:  ____________________________