Invitation for bids - International Republican Institute - Transportation services

The International Republican Institute (IRI) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, organization
dedicated to advancing freedom and democracy worldwide. Since 1983, IRI has worked to
develop democratic institutions and ideals, carrying out a variety of international programs
to promote freedom, self-government and the rule of law worldwide. IRI provides technical
assistance in the areas of political party strengthening, developing civic institutions and open
elections, promoting democratic governance and advancing the rule of law.
To facilitate political party programming throughout Moldova, IRI staff regularly travel
outside of Chisinau, where the IRI office is located, to conduct trainings and hold events. IRI
requires a transportation company that can provide transportation services for individuals
or large groups of participants. On an as-needed basis, the selected vendor(s) will be
responsible for safely and efficiently transporting IRI staff and/or participants in all regions
of Moldova.
In addition to general event coverage, IRI is looking for companies who can provide
transportation services to support election observation missions. IRI anticipates it will
specifically require up to three cars and drivers from October 1 to October 15 for its analyst
teams and up to 20 cars from October 15 to October 22 for transportation of short-term
election observers and the analyst teams. In the event of a run-off election, IRI anticipates
requiring availability of at least five cars and drivers from October 22 to November 4, 2024,
for analysts and returning observers. Drivers will need to transport delegates, analysts, and
their teams to and around their assigned regions, as well as remain in the same hotel for
security and availability reasons. IRI will pay for lodging for services connected to the
election observation only. Specific plans will be determined closer to the October 20 election
and finalization of deployment plans. IRI may also consider utilizing EOM related
transportation services to observe parliamentary elections, to be announced at a later date.
IRI will only consider firms who can provide drivers and vehicles in the lead up to and during
Election Day 2024.
Eligibility: Individuals and organizations:
• Able to provide licenses for company registration, licensed drivers and insurance

• Drivers have at least three years of experience
• Company has operated for at least three years
• Can operate inside and outside of Chisinau
• Drivers can speak basic English
• Confirmation of October and early November availability
Period of Performance:
October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2025, with the option to extend up to one additional year.
Scope of Work:
• The Contractor shall undertake the following:
• Provide transportation services as requested by IRI’s Resident Program Director, to
be inclusive of all raions inside of Moldova.
• Assume responsibility for all vehicle maintenance costs and local tax requirements
for the duration of the contract.
• Provide insured vehicles, with models dated 2015 or later, and licensed drivers with
a minimum of three years of relevant work experience. A basic understanding of
English is required for Election Observation transportation services.
o Vehicle and substitutes should be full-sized sedans that can comfortably fit 3
to 4 passengers, minibuses for 7 to 21 people, or charter buses for 21 people
or more.
o Per Moldovan law, vehicle(s) should have been inspected within the past 6
o Vehicles should be well maintained and cleaned.
o Individuals apart from contracted driver(s) will be prohibited from driving
contracted vehicle(s)
• Certify that the vehicles are in sound and safe condition and free of any known faults
or defects which would affect their safe operation under normal use.
• Provide detailed logs detailing all trips, including starting and ending point, date,
time, person(s) being driven, a meter reading at the start and end of each trip, and the
total kilometers of each trip.
• Retain vehicle and passenger insurance.
IRI shall undertake the following:
• Give the contractor adequate notice of the need for driving services, usually 24 hours
in advance.
• Pay directly for lodging of the driver for overnight stays that may be required for
Election Observation Mission-related services.
• IRI will not cover incidental costs incurred by the contractor or drivers assigned.
Technical Bid:
Interested bidders must present the technical bids outlining the following information:
Potential Offeror shall provide:
1. Quotes according to the tables enclosed
2. List of types of cars and buses available
3. Registration documents of the legal entity that is submitting the offer.
4. Confirmation that the company can provide sufficient drivers and vehicles during the
specified dates in October and November.
5. The documents should be submitted in Word and Excel. Providing documents in
English is welcomed.
6. Bidders must describe the raions of Moldova in which they operate. If they are not
able to provide transportation to certain raions of Moldova, bidders must indicate
those raions. This will not necessarily disqualify a bidder from being considered. At a
minimum, however, a company should be able to provide transportation services in
Chisinau, Dubasari, Ungheni, Orhei, Balti, Soroca, Edineti, Stefan Voda, Congaz, Cahul,
and Taraclia, particularly for Election Observation Mission services.
7. Please provide drivers’ licenses, company registration, a list of available vehicles, and
proof of vehicle insurance. Companies should clearly state that they will have driver
and vehicle availability in October 2024 and early November 2024.
If the Bidder is a U.S. organization/resident, or a foreign organization/resident which has
income effectively connected with the conduct of activities in the U.S. or has an office or a
place of business or a fiscal paying agent in the U.S., the technical bids must contain Bidder’s
Taxpayer Identification Number.
Price information should be presented as a firm-fixed Unit Price for each of the deliverables
identified below and in the format of the table below. Pricing must be valid for at least 60
(sixty) calendar days after the due date for proposal submission. The proposed Unit Price
should be fixed and inclusive of all costs to perform, including inspection services,
transportation, taxes, import duties (if any), and other levies. If there are any additional fees
not reflected in the table below, such pricing must be fully described in the bid. Bids must be
submitted in Moldovan Leu (MDL); payments under any resulting contract will be made in
this currency.
The Offeror shall indicate payment terms (if post payment is available)
Prices must be provided in MDL. Payments will be made in MDL. It shall be indicated whether
the prices include VAT or not.
The Offeror must agree that the proposed prices are effective for the duration of the contract
or provide the terms when some amendments will apply and the period of notification to IRI.
The prices the vendor provides should be inclusive of all costs to perform services.
If a bidder is unable to supply a certain type of vehicle, they should indicate N/A (not

All bids must contain a per kilometer rate. IRI will pay directly to the hotel for lodging for
overnight stay of the drivers connected to Election Observation Transportation. IRI will not
cover incidental costs incurred by the contractor.
IFB Terms and Conditions:
1. Prospective Bidders are requested to review clauses incorporated by reference
in the section “Notice Listing Contract Clauses Incorporated by Reference”. By
submitting a bid, bidder agrees to comply with all terms, conditions, and
provisions included in the solicitation and agreement to the services identified
above, and will specifically identify any disagreement with or exceptions to the
terms, conditions, and provisions.
2. IRI may reject any or all bids if such is within IRI’s interest.
3. The Bidder’s initial bid should contain the Bidder’s best offer.
4. IRI reserves the right to make multiple awards or partial awards if, after
considering administrative burden, it is in IRI’s best interest to do so.
5. Discussions with Bidders following the receipt of a bid do not constitute a
rejection or counteroffer by IRI.
6. IRI will hold all submissions as confidential and shall not be disclosed to third
parties. IRI reserves the right to share bids internally, across divisions, for the
purposes of evaluating the bids.
7. If IRI continues to require the goods and services and the price remains
reasonable and within market norms, resulting contract may be renewed each
year for up to 2 years with 30 days’ notice to the Contractor. Bidder must establish
any price increase for each renewal year in the initial bid.
8. Bidders confirm that the prices in the bid/proposal/application/quote have been
arrived at independently, without any consultation, communication, or
agreement with any other bidder or competitor for the purpose of restricting
9. By applying to this IFB, applicant is certifying that if it is awarded a contract, none
of funds payable under the resulting contract will be used to (1) procure or obtain,
extend or renew a contract to procure or obtain; (2) enter into a contract (or
extend or renew a contract) to procure; or (3) obtain the equipment, services, or
systems that uses covered telecommunications equipment or services as a
substantial or essential component of any system, or as critical technology as part
of any system in compliance with the National Defense Authorization Act. Covered
telecommunications equipment and services mean any of the following:
i. Telecommunications equipment produced by Huawei Technologies
Company or ZTE Corporation (or any subsidiary or affiliate of such
ii. For the purpose of public safety, security of government facilities, physical
security surveillance of critical infrastructure, and other national security
purposes, video surveillance and telecommunications equipment
produced by Hytera Communications Corporation, Hangzhou Hikvision
Digital Technology Company, or Dahua Technology Company (or any
subsidiary or affiliate of such entities).
iii. Telecommunications or video surveillance services provided by such
entities or using such equipment.
iv. Telecommunications or video surveillance equipment or services
produced or provided by an entity that the Secretary of Defense, in
consultation with the Director of the National Intelligence or the Director
of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, reasonably believes to be an entity
owned or controlled by, or otherwise connected to, the government of a
covered foreign country. (2 CFR 200.216).
10. Bidders agree to disclose as part of the bid submission:
a. Any close, familial, or financial relationships with IRI staff and agents. For
example, the bidder must disclose if a bidder’s mother conducts volunteer
trainings for IRI.
b. Any family or financial relationship with other bidders submitting bids. For
example, if the bidder’s father owns a company that is submitting another
bid, the bidder must state this.
c. Any other action that might be interpreted as potential conflict of interest.
Evaluation and Award Process:
1. IRI may contact any Bidder for clarification or additional information, but Bidders are
advised that IRI intends to evaluate the offers based on the written bids and reserves
the right to make decisions based solely on the information provided with the initial
bids. IRI may but is not obligated to conduct additional negotiations with the most
highly rated Bidders prior to award of a contract, and may at its sole discretion elect
to issue contracts to one or more Bidders.
2. Mathematical errors will be corrected in the following manner: If a discrepancy exists
between the total price proposed and the total price resulting from multiplying the
unit price by the corresponding amounts, then the unit price will prevail and the total
price will be corrected. If there were a discrepancy between the numbers written out
in words and the amounts in numbers, then the amount expressed in words will
prevail. If the Bidder does not accept the correction, the offer will be rejected.
3. IRI may determine that a bid is unacceptable if the prices proposed are materially
unbalanced between line items or sub-line items. Unbalanced pricing exists when,
despite an acceptable total evaluated price, the price of one or more contract line
items is significantly overstated or understated as indicated by the application of cost
or price analysis techniques. A bid may be rejected if IRI determines that the lack of
balance poses an unacceptable risk.
4. IRI will conduct a source selection based as follows:
IRI intends to make an award to the responsible Bidder based on the following
evaluation factors:
Technical evaluation, (including technical capabilities,
proposed technical approach, and personnel qualifications) 60
Quantity, quality and availability of vehicles 20
Availability to service in regions of Moldova 20
Relevant experience of company and drivers 20
Price 40
Total 100
IRI intends to evaluate bids in accordance with these factors and make an award to
the responsible bidder whose proposal is most advantageous to the program.
5. If a cost realism analysis is performed, cost realism may be considered in evaluating
performance or price.
Submission Instructions:
Bids must be submitted via email to Nicoleta Craciun at with the subject
line “EURASIA2024MO08o by the deadline listed above.
IRI Obligations
Issuance of this IFB does not constitute and award commitment on the part of IRI, nor does
it commit IRI to pay for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of a quotation.
Notice Listing Contract Clauses Incorporated by Reference
IRI is required to make the contractor subject to the clauses of the prime award. This contract
incorporates one or more clauses by reference, with the same force and effect as if they were
given in full text. Where “flow-down” to the contractor is appropriate and applicable,
references to “USAID” or ”Department of State” shall be interpreted to mean “IRI”,
“Recipient” to mean “Contractor”, and “Subrecipient” to mean “lower-tier subrecipients”.
Included by reference are 2 C.F.R. 200 and USAID Standard Provisions for Non-US Nongovernmental Organizations/US Department of State Standard Terms and Conditions.

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