Request for Quotation for Production of Branded Visibility Materials. Dexis Interactive Incorporated, Washington, Chisinau branch

Request for Quotation for Production of Branded Visibility Materials

Dexis Interactive Incorporated, Washington, Chisinau branch (Dexis) invites your firm to participate in this competitive solicitation for pricing, delivery, and terms of potential sale of branded visibility materials

Offerors are required to submit their quotations by using the template provided in Annex 2 and submit a signed/stamped version to Dexis.  

All questions or clarifications regarding this RFQ must be in writing and submitted to the attention of Only written answers from Dexis will be considered official and carry weight in the RFQ process and subsequent evaluation. 

Bids must be received via email by May 24, 2024, 17:00 local time. Offers must be on the company letterhead with the company’s contact name and address. The subject line of the offer transmission email must identify the RFQ reference number (2003-RFQ-2024/0006) and the Offeror’s name.  

For more information, please see attached the RFQ and Annexes.


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