ToR: Requirements of graphic designer for adapting/developing key visuals for the TRIMEDIA project


  1. Submission of offer

The DW Akademie is seeking graphic designer(s) in Moldova to adapt / develop key visuals for the TRIMEDIA project, jointly implemented by DW Akademie and the Association of Independent Press (API).

Please submit your offer to Ms. Cristina Leva,, latest by 19.03.2024. An earlier submission is also very much appreciated!

Please send in

  • a brief and precise (2 paragraphs) letter of intent, highlighting relevant experience in the field of design you are offering your service for
  • Your CV, as well as
  • Your rate card, including the daily fee and the estimated number of days needed for the assignment.

For any question of clarification regarding the scope of your offer and/or the requested service please contact Ms Cristina Leva anytime. 

  1. Background / problem description

The rampant flow of disinformation poses a key challenge to Moldova, manipulating public opinion, eroding trust and undermining the fragile democratic progress. In the face of multiple crises stemming from the Russian invasion in Ukraine, the need for trustworthy information has become even more pronounced, especially in communities directly affected by these events.

To contribute to a resilient democratic society in the Republic of Moldova with a safe information ecosystem, the project follows a holistic approach equally addressing media as watchdogs of democratic changes and open public dialogue and media consumers. The action thus increases the capacities of media actors to produce, and of media consumers to access trustworthy quality reporting.


  1. Requested services

We are seeking for qualified graphic designer(s) to

  • Develop an appealing design to represent the TRIMEDIA project according to the project description (Annex 1);
  • Adapt the provided infographics in order to produce key visual elements for each area of intervention (Annex 1);
  • Submit all the required graphic components, in appropriate print and online formats.
  1. Profile of designer

The designer shall have a record of: 

  • Proven expertise in graphic design,
  • Conceptualisation ability and creative thinking,
  • Experience in adaptation of visuals,
  • Sufficient English capability to coordinate the tasks with the DW Akademie team.
  1. Deliverables
  • Project logo and key visual elements, online and print version
  • Design of roll-up banner

*optional, subject to prior mutual agreement:

  • Newsletter design
  • Project flyer
  1. Delivery date

The delivery date will be agreed on mutual understanding with DW Akademie, but ideally no later than 2 April 2024. An earlier draft is expected to be made available for consultation by 29 March 2024.

Banner Audit Juridic CICO 300 x 250 px 2


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