Request for Expression of Interest - Organization of Events Services

Request for Expression of Interest - Organization of Events Services


To participate to the tender procedure Framework Agreement for Organization of Events Services

To whom it might concern,

The “Strategic Communication and Support to Mass‐Media” project funded by the European Union is looking for a company to provide various offline and online event management related services.

Duration of the assignment: March 2024 - December 2025.

Objective: The selected entity is expected to provide various offline and online event management related services. The list of services shall comprise, but is not limited to:

  1. Provide necessary equipment and personnel to ensure organization of physical and online events based in Europe Café or outside the Europe Café, including locations outside Chisinau to be considered. The equipment provided shall be determined based on each event separately depending on the concept and Agenda of each event, in close consultations with StratCom team, EU Delegation and other relevant EU assistance projects;
  2. Provide necessary equipment and personnel to ensure live streaming of events (video recording cameras, web cameras, lights, sound and video equipment and software to ensure the necessary channels and high-quality interpretation in at least three languages En-Ro-Ru);
  3. Provide necessary lightening equipment to ensure the appropriate lightening for video and photo shooting during events organised in Europe Café premises or elsewhere; ensure technical support for the installation and disassembling of necessary equipment;
  4. Propose/Ensure entertainment elements, organize concerts with selected artists and other public cultural events;
  5. Provide with photo and audio/video documentation and make production of the photos and audio/video as requested (high quality set of pictures, short video stories, testimonials or full video recording, including with subtitles in Ro-En-Ru when necessary);
  6. Design and produce set of innovative visibility items, event constructions, installations, mobile pavilions, pop-up construction and branded inventory etc. in case the event requires such elements;
  7. Organize outdoor activities, with setting up mobile pavilions dedicated to public discussions/cultural events accommodating up to 300 people; ensure the design and production of the pavilions;
  8. Organize outdoor activities, with setting up middle tents accommodating up to 30 people; ensure the full design and production of respective tents;
  9. Organize outdoor activities, with setting mini pop-up constructions accommodating up to 10-15 people; ensure the full design and production of respective pop-up;
  10. Organise general logistics such as: furniture (chairs, Tables, Stands, Tents, Stage – complete structure & Stage management team, other items, decorations and accessories when required
  11. Assembling and disassembling of requisite and equipment needed for offline events;
  12. Storage, transportation and setup of visibility materials provided by StratCom, partner organizations and other participants.
  13. Provide post-event detailed report about lessons learned and way forward;
  14. Process in due time the necessary changes/cancellations duly authorized by StratCom, in close consultations with EU Delegation, for the agreed online event management services, as required;
  15. Grant flexibility to provide emergency event management services outside the usual working hours or during weekends, where necessary;
  16. Work with appropriate City Municipalities/local authority when/if necessary;
  17. Ensure smooth administration of the online part of events (where applicable);
  18. Where requested by StratCom, the Contractor shall appoint one employee as support staff during the online event (a video director of the event);
  19. Ensure high quality and smooth live streaming and access to general public during the event, as well as coordination with online portals and social network management (such as, FB pages administrators etc.) prior to and throughout the event duration and ensure that all requirements are provided and arranged in a timely manner.
  20. Provide advice on the general concept of the event to ensure smooth implementation and maximize impact;
  21. Provide advice on the general directing/video and sound producing process prior to the event, detailed event flow development and administration of details related to event flow, in close consultations with StratCom team and EU Delegation;
  22. Put at the disposal an event moderator or any other personnel which would be required by the concept and event flow;
  23. Ensure exquisite quality event management prior and during the event implementation;
  24. To provide high quality catering service for different types of events (conferences, workshops, trainings, round tables), including any others arrangements related to this service;
  25. To provide full transport services according to the requested vehicle and mode of transportation;

Conditions for qualification: official registration (for legal entities), three years of experience and portfolio of works.

Should you express an interest in this tender procedure, please send a confirmation of interest/participation at: and before March 18, 2024, 16.00 hours. Please mention in the email subject line “FWA Organization of Events Services”. The eligible and qualified candidates will receive the complete file of the tender procedure together with guidelines for the preparation of offers by email.