Notice of Extended Candidate List Prequalification: Procurement Specialist and Civil Engineering Expert for the "Technical Assistance for the Preparation and Implementation of the Moldova Hospital Sector Upgrade" Project (AA-011313)

The Government of the Republic of Moldova has embarked on a comprehensive program to modernize the public healthcare system in the country. As part of this initiative, the Government has proposed the construction of two regional hospitals in Balti and Cahul municipalities, to be financed by the Council of Europe Development Bank and the European Investment Bank.
The purpose of this announcement is to seek qualified consultants for the positions of Procurement Specialist and Civil Engineering Expert to support the Ministry of Health (MoH) in the implementation of this Project. The process for selecting the candidate will adhere to the guidelines outlined in the Guide to Procurement (GtP) for projects funded by the European Investment Bank, as of September 2018. Successful offerors will be chosen through the „Negotiated procedures with the list of candidates established directly by the promoter,” as described in paragraph 4.2.1 of the EIB GtP.
Therefore, this announcement envisages offering the Ministry of Health with a list of qualified candidates, to be vetted by the Ministry’s Evaluation Committee and subsequently approved by the EIB to further receive the official Invitation to Bid for this position.
Please follow the links below to learn more details about the two advertised positions:
More details about the Procurement Specialist position:
More details about the Civil Engineering Expert position:
Required documents for submission include:
• Curriculum Vitae (CV) of the candidate, preferably in Europass format.
• Letter of Intent: A comprehensive document outlining the candidate’s qualifications and relevant experience for the specified position.
In the subject line of your email, please use the following format:
Surname_ Desired Position: AA-011313
We kindly invite all interested consultants to submit the requisite documents no later than March 11th, 2024, to the following email address:
Thank you for your interest in this announcement.

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