Request for Offer for Conducting the Electronic Commerce Market Study in the Republic Of Moldova

  1. AmCham Moldova announces its intention to contract a specialized company/expert to conduct a detailed study on the electronic commerce market in the Republic of Moldova.
  1. Terms of Reference:

2.1. Study Objectives:

  • Analysis of the e-commerce market in the Republic of Moldova based on secondary data.
  • Analysis of existing e-commerce platforms in the Republic of Moldova.

2.2. Key Study Elements:

  • Determination of the volume and value of local electronic commerce through the analysis of secondary data from the National Bank of Moldova, the National Bureau of Statistics, the Audit Office of Circulations and Internet, etc., triangulating them with the results of entrepreneur surveys and collaboration with operators in the HoReCa sector.
  • Analysis of distribution by types of procurements through electronic commerce.
  • Evaluation of outbound cross-border delivery volumes, with data provided by Moldova Post, Courier Services, and Customs Service.
  • Evaluation of inbound cross-border delivery volumes, with information provided by Moldova Post, Courier Services, and Customs Service.
  • Updating data and key indicators from previous similar studies.
  1. Technical Requirements:
  • Use of reliable and up-to-date sources for conducting analyses.
  • Presentation of results in a detailed report, including charts and comparative analyses.
  • Ensuring the confidentiality of collected data.
  1. Project Timelines:
  • Deadline for proposal submission: February 16, 2024, 17:00.
  • Study completion and delivery timeline: 12 weeks from the signing of the contract.
  1. Proposal Submission Procedure:
  • All proposals must be sent electronically to the email address:
  • Email subject: Proposal for Electronic Commerce Market Study - [Company/Expert Name].
  • Contact details of the company representative/expert and information regarding previous experience in the field.
  1. Contact:

For any clarifications or additional questions, please contact:

  1. Additional Remarks:
  • AmCham Moldova reserves the right to negotiate contractual details with the selected company.
  • Evaluation of proposals will be based on competencies, experience, and financial proposal.

Thank you for your interest!

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