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Deadline extended: LRCM announces a call for selecting the services of associate experts specialised in justice, anticorruption and integrity, human rights, democracy, civil society


Legal Resources Centre from Moldova (LRCM) is a non-governmental, non-profit, independent, and politically unaffiliated organization that contributes to the consolidation of democracy and the rule of law in the Republic of Moldova through research, monitoring and advocacy activities. The LRCM promotes an independent, efficient, and accountable judiciary, efficient anticorruption mechanisms, observance of human rights, an enabling environment for civil society and democracy. To that end, we identify problems with systemic impact, propose solutions, bring them onto the public agenda, address abuses, and mobilize partners to bring changes.

Purpose of the assignment

The LRCM is launching a call for applications to create the internal database of associated experts specialized in one of the key areas of activity of the Association, according to the Strategy for 2022-2025, as follows:  

  • Independent, accountable and efficient justice system.
  • Combating corruption.
  • Effective observance of human rights.
  • A stronger civil society able to promote democracy.

Interested candidates are encouraged to visit the official LRCM page and to consult the LRCM Strategy for 2022-2025 to get acquainted with the LRCM strategic objectives, activity and the implemented projects.

The selected experts will be contracted for a period of up to three years and are to be periodically involved in the activities of the Association, which may be, but are not limited to:

  • Legal analysis and research.
  • Drafting legal opinions and/or comments on draft laws and legislative initiatives.
  • Advocacy. 
  • Training. 
  • Representation. 

The selected experts must have expertise in one or more specific areas of activity as mentioned below:

Independent, accountable and efficient justice system:

  1. Selection and promotion of judges and prosecutors.
  2. Mechanism of disciplinary liability of judges.
  3. Transparency and independence of the judiciary and prosecution system.
  4. Activity of the administrative bodies of the judicial system and the prosecutor’s office (Superior Council of Magistracy, Superior Council of Prosecutors, etc.).
  5. Quality and efficiency of judicial acts.
  6. Civil and criminal procedural legislation.
  7. Optimized judicial map and reorganized prosecution system.
  8. Approximation of the national legislation with the EU acquis.

Combating corruption:

  1. External evaluation system (pre-vetting and vetting).
  2. Sanctions applied for corruption and civil and criminal confiscation mechanisms.
  3. Effectiveness of the methodology and procedures applied by the National Integrity Authority.
  4. Powers of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office.

Effective observance of human rights:

  1. Knowledge and application of the European Convention on Human Rights in the Republic of Moldova.
  2. Effective civil and political rights legislation and practices.
  3. National mechanisms that effectively combat systemic problems affecting civil and political rights.
  4. Sanctioning acts of discrimination and ensuring equality.

A stronger civil society able to promote democracy:

  1. Transparency in the decision-making process at the Parliament.
  2. The work of CSOs, including philanthropy and sponsorship, the percentage designation mechanism (2% Law) and other issues related to their financial sustainability.
  3. Activity of human rights defenders.

Type of contract: service agreement, the expected level of effort depends on the implemented projects and current activities of the LRCM.

Duration: Services will be provided for a period of up to three years, with the possibility of extension. The estimated effort for one expert is 25-30 working days per year. The LRCM does not guarantee a minimum or maximum level of effort for any of the contracted experts. LRCM is not contractually bound to make services available to the contracted experts on a regular basis during the term of the contract.

Requirements for the experts

To be eligible, interested persons must meet the following criteria:

  • University degree in law.
  • Thorough understanding of current trends, mechanisms, and policies in the Republic of Moldova and in the region pertaining to justice, anticorruption, integrity, human rights, and civil society.
  • Minimum 3 years of experience in research and/or monitoring, consultancy, academic or scientific projects in relevant areas.
  • Advanced analytical skills, confirmed by publications, policy papers, impact analyses, etc.
  • Fluency in Romanian and/or English (at least B2). Knowledge of Russian or other international languages is an advantage.
  • Good internal and external communication skills, representation, planning and organisational skills.
  • Availability to provide the required services during different times of the year.
  • Responsibility and a conscientious approach to fulfilling commitments.
  • Commitment to the mission, vision and strategic objectives of the LRCM, sharing the values of the LRCM.
  • Sensitivity and adaptability towards cultural diversity, gender, religion, race, nationality and age, any other protected criteria.

Expression of interest

The dated and signed offer shall be sent by email to: by January 31, 2024, 11:00 AM, and shall include:  

  1. Updated CV of the candidate, confirming relevant experience as per the requirements of the current ToR.
  2. Examples of activities and/or author publications (at least 2), carried out in the last 2 years, justifying experience in the field (can be inserted as a hyperlink in the CV or email).
  3. Providing contact details of at least two references (can be inserted in the CV or email).
  4. Financial offer indicating the USD net rate for one working day (8 hours). Offers submitted in other currencies will be converted at the official exchange rate of the National Bank of Moldova at the deadline date for submitting the offers.
  5. Conflict of interests (if applicable). In case of a conflict of interests, real or potential, with the LRCM Executive Director, its Board members or employees of the LRCM, the candidate is obliged to declare it in a written document enclosed with the application.

The financial offer will include a reference fee to be considered for the analysis and selection. The fee for each specific activity can be negotiated with the experts, if required by certain projects or other circumstances.

Evaluation and selection process

Stage 1: Compliance check

At this stage, a review of the formal requirements will be conducted. It includes screening to determine whether a complete package of documents has been submitted in accordance with the terms of reference.

Stage 2: Evaluation of the technical proposals

During the second evaluation stage, the technical proposal will be analyzed by the members of the evaluation committee. The cumulative method will be applied at this stage, and scores will be assigned for each criterion as follows:

Evaluation criteria

Maximum score

Professional experience of the bidder and relevance of previous experience to LRCM's fields of activity


Examples of relevant activities and/or research


Reputation (minimum 2 references) and the candidate's notoriety


TOTAL – technical proposal


Only proposals that accumulate a minimum of 75 points in the evaluation of the technical proposal will qualify for the next evaluation stage.

Stage 3: Evaluation of the financial offer

The lowest qualified financial offer in the competition will receive 100 points score, and for the subsequent offers, the score will be calculated using the formula: (value of the minimum offer / value of the evaluated offer) * 100.

Selection results

In determining the final scores, the accumulated score for the technical proposal will carry a weight of 80%, while the financial proposal will carry a weight of 20%. Thus, the Final Score = Technical Proposal Score * 0.80 + Financial Proposal Score * 0.20.

All applicants will be notified of the decision regarding selected proposals after the completion of the selection process. Preselected participants may also be invited to the interview stage.

For additional clarifications, please contact us at the phone number 00373 22 843601 or by email:

Note: LRCM reserves the right not to select any offer if the received offers do not meet the requirements mentioned in this ToR.

LRCM is an inclusive and diversity-friendly employer. We value difference, promote equality and challenge discrimination, enhancing our organisational capability. We welcome and encourage application from all qualifying candidates. We do not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, colour, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, marital or parental status or other category protected by law. All applications received will be processed with strict adherence to the confidentiality of the data provided.


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