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UNICEF Moldova RFQ 9187543 Event management support in organizing a 3-day training session of trainers on Interpersonal Communication in Immunization

UNICEF Moldova invites interested companies to submit their proposals for event management support in organizing a 3-day training session of trainers on Interpersonal Communication in Immunization- for the 24 teachers from Medicine Colleges at National Level


Purpose of the assignement

To ensure the event management support for conducting 3-day training session for up to 24 participants, for the period of 9-11 January 2024.


Objectives of the assignemet

  • Organize coffee breaks and lunches for 24 participants, inclusive 5 trainers (two coffee breaks and one lunch per day) ordered from College of Medicine „Raisa Pacalo” in Chisinau
  • Provide accommodation for 7 participants (3 nights) at the College of Medicine „Raisa Pacalo” in Chisinau
  • Prepare participant kits (agenda, notebook, pen, and folder with UNICEF Logo) for 24 participants and distribute the materials
  • Provide training materials such as: Flipcharts (2), markers (30), paper for flipcharts (2 sets), notice stickers (10)
  • Design and print certificates, colour printing (24)
  • Design and print Facilitator’s guidance, colour printing (30 copies, around 50 pages per one)
  • Provide facilitator fees for trainings and for developing the materials (5 facilitators x 9 Days of work, 2500 MDL net amount per trainer per day)
  • Ensure the reimbursement of one round trip to Chisinau, from Ungheni (2 participants), Balti (3 participants), Cahul (3 participants), Orhei (3 participants)
  • Take photos from the first and third training (1 hour per day, 2 hours in total)
  • Provide event management support during and after the event


Qualifications and experience of the Company

  • Extended experience in organization and implementation of training events and workshops
  • Ability to deliver good products in short terms and work under pressure
  • Flexibility in responding to the needs of the UNICEF team


Materials to be submitted for the bidding

  • Company’s profile with a proven record of relevant experience
  • Proposed work plan for the activities
  • Budget with breakdown per budget lines
  • Filled and signed Quotation Form (pages 2-4 from the RFQ document) with offer lump sum provided, in MDL, without VAT


Submission instructions:

  • Bid Submission Deadline: 19 December 2023 11:00 (EET), any Bids received after the Submission Deadline will be rejected.
  • Bid clarifications. Proposers are required to submit any questions in respect of this RFQS by e-mail to Cristina Dorogan at until 17 December 2023. The Q&A file with questions from the bidders and UNICEF answers can be accessed here: QA file LRQS-2023-9187543
  • The official e-mail address for proposal submission is: chisinautenders@unicef.orgno other UNICEF e-mails must be cc-ed.
  • The Quotation Form (pages 2-4 from the RFQS document) must be filled and signed by a duly authorized representative of the Company.
  • Please pay attention: by answering YES to the Declaration statements (included in the Quotation Form) it means you didn't participate in the listed actions, by answering NO it means you did participate in the listed actions.
  • All Proposal’s files must be included in the email, no external links.
  • Proposal must be clearly marked with the RFQS number: LRQS-2023-9187543 in the e-mail title or on the envelope.
  • Validity period of the proposal must be not less than 120 days.
  • Currency of the proposal- MDL.

For additional details on the proposal submission rules please refer to the RFQS document. For additional details on deliverable, proposal content and minimum requirements please refer to the Terms of References-Annex B enclosed in the RFQS document, which can be accessed here:


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