
Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the provision of Dignity kits ‘RFQ No. DRC/MOL/2023/RFQ/UNICEF/SUPP0012


The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) with funding from UNICEF within the project: “Provision of WASH services to Refugee Children and Women to ensure their protection and safety in Moldova”, is excited to invite your company to participate in our Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the provision of Dignity kits ‘RFQ No. DRC/MOL/2023/RFQ/UNICEF/SUPP0012

Request for Quotation Details

RFQ #:


Currency of Bid (3-letter code):


RFQ Issuing Date:


Bid Validity Period (days):


RFQ Closing Date:


Required Delivery Date:

December 2023

RFQ Closing Time:

15:00 p.m

Required Delivery Destination:


Questions to the RFQ

Required Delivery Terms:

7 days after placing the order

For DRC to Complete

For Supplier to Complete

Item #




Quantity Required

Quantity Offered

Unit Price (with VAT)

Total Price (with VAT)



MEN Kit should contain minimum:

1. Toothpaste - 75 ml-1pcs

2. Toothbrush - 1 pcs.

3. Wet wipes (minimum pack of 52 pcs) - 1 pcs.

4. Solid Soap – minimum 100-125gr- 1 pcs

5. Shampoo – minimum 250 ml-1pcs

6. Hand sanitizer – minimum 50ml-1pcs

7. Blade razor -set of 4 pcs. -1set

8. Shaving foam - 200 ml-1pcs

9. Toilet paper - 1 pack of 4 rolls-1pcs

10. Cotton swab – 100 pcs-1 box

11.Washing powder – minimum 400 gr

12.Cotton towel (100%) size 50*90cm




Women Kit should contain minimum:

1. Toothpaste - 75 ml – 1pcs

2. Toothbrush - 1 pcs

3. Wet wipes (minimum pack of 52 pcs) - 1 pcs.

4. Solid Soap –minimum 100– 1pcs

5. Shampoo – minimum 250 ml– 1pcs

6. Hand sanitizer – minimum 50 ml– 1pcs

7. Toilet paper - 1 pack of 4 rolls-– 1pcs

8. Hygiene Menstrual pads - minimum 20 pcs. -1pack

9. Paper towels - 1 pack of 2 pcs.

10. Cotton swab - 100 pcs-1 box

11.Washing powder – minimum 400 gr

12.Cotton towel(100%) size 50*90cm






























Children Kit should contain minimum:

1. Toothpaste for children – minimum 75 ml-1pcs

2. Toothbrush for children - 1 pcs.

3.  Wet wipes (minimum pack of 52 pcs) - 1 pcs.

4. Solid Soap for children -minimum 100gr.

5. Shampoo for children for children- minimum 250 ml

6. Hand sanitizer – minimum 50ml

7. Toilet paper - 1 pack of 4 rolls – 1 pack

8. Comb with Handle - 1 pcs (as per Annex 3 example) – preferably with mirror

9. Cotton swab - 100 pcs-1 box

10.Cotton towel (100%) size 50*90cm





The total price of each set includes cost of the goods, set assembly service, white Eco bag with logo's (as per Annex A.3).


Hygiene kits will be stored at the supplier's warehouse until January 15, 2024. The organization will pick up these kits from the supplier's warehouse on its own. Two days before collecting the kits, the organization undertakes to coordinate with the supplier the exact quantity and time for pickup.


Submission of Bid

You must submit one original of the RFQ Bid Form in a sealed envelope, clearly marked with the RFQ number and the Bidders name. The bid can be delivered directly to the tender box, mailed, or delivered by courier services, or alternatively send by email to the following dedicated, secure & controlled email address:


All mandatory tender documentation is accessible on the following link:

Danish Refugee Council Moldova

Gheorghe Asachi 26/3

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Phone number

+373 79 730876


If submitted in person or by post in hardcopy, bids must be submitted in sealed envelope according to the following instructions:

  • Above-mentioned address of the Danish Refugee Council Moldova.
  • Reference number of this tender procedure: ‘RFQ No. DRC/MOL/2023/RFQ/UNICEF/SUPP0012
  • Name of the Tenderer

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