CONCORDIA Moldova seeks to identify and contract an audit company

CONCORDIA Moldova seeks to identify and contract an audit company

CONCORDIA Moldova seeks to identify and contract an audit company to carry out an expenditure verification report on project financial administration and statements funded by donor grants. The report should be carried out in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) in order to provide sufficient evidence that gives reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error.

Background Information

The overall objective of the “Trauma-informed practice (TRIP) – emergency psychological support and capacity building” project is to ensure that refugee children and their families, together with vulnerable categories of population from Moldova are protected and receive psychosocial support and trauma-informed practice.

The project duration is 01/06/2022 – 30/11/2023.

Total project budget: EUR 157,485.00 (total budget incl. Austria and Moldova) EUR 87,635.00 (budget for Moldova).  Amount of the Project to be verified: EUR 87,635.00, project transactions ~ 130, 5 employees involved in the project.

Submission deadline

The deadline for submitting the file is December 01, 2023, at 16.00, Moldova time.

The proposals can be submitted in hard copy to A.O. Concordia. Social Projects, Chisinau, str. A. Corobceanu 13/1, MD-2004, or by e-mail to the address with the statement “Tender - Audit Company for TRIP Project”.

The following requirements towards the hard copy must be met:

a)  The technical and financial proposals shall be submitted in one envelope.

b)  The envelope should be sealed and marked „do not open, except in presence of the evaluation committee”;

The proposals shall be written in English and typed on letter size or A4 paper, single spaced with each page numbered consecutively.

Any proposal received after the closing time for submission of proposals will not be accepted.

For detailed information, consult the ToR, or visit the website: Expenditure Verification Report of Trauma-informed practice (TRIP): CONCORDIA Moldova