UNICEF Moldova LRPS-2023-9184914 Organization and delivery of an informational campaign on Early Childhood Intervention

UNICEF Moldova LRPS-2023-9184914 Organization and delivery of an informational campaign on Early Childhood Intervention

UNICEF Moldova invites interested companies to submit their proposals for the Organization and delivery of an informational campaign on Early Childhood Intervention (ECI).


The primary goal of this campaign is to inform and/or strengthen ECI knowledge among families and specialists, while also fostering a shared comprehension of ECI services in the Republic of Moldova, based on the best international practices.


Objective 1: Inform and/or enhance families’ knowledge about ECI

  • Inform and increase families’ knowledge about what is ECI, the importance of early detection of developmental risks and delays, as well as early intervention;
  • Inform families about the importance of the first 1,000 days of a child’s life, which lays the foundation for lifelong physical, cognitive, emotional, and social health;
  • Increase families’ awareness regarding early developmental alarm signs and promote timely addressing to specialists;
  • Dispel the most common myths related to ECI and developmental delays.

Objective 2: Promote an intersectoral approach of ECI within central authorities

  • Engage relevant authorities to undertake joint actions towards informing families and specialists on ECI services and practices.

Objective 3: Enhance Specialists’ Knowledge and best practices on ECI Services

  • Enhance family doctors, pediatricians, ECI specialists' understanding of early childhood screening and detection of developmental problems and the specificity of ECI programs and their potential benefits;
  • Share best practices on ECI, based on international expertise among pediatricians, family doctors, ECI specialists and other relevant categories.



Deliverable 1. Produce 3 animated videos and ensure their placement on National and Regional TVs

1.1 Produce 3 animated videos on ECI

1.2 Placement of three of the created video spots with an average length of 45 sec on 4 National TV channels

1.3 Placement of three of the created video spots with an average length of 45 sec on 4 Regional TV channels

Deliverable 2: Organize two online event sessions for parents

Deliverable 3: Design, Translate and Produce booklets [bilingual] and ensure their delivery throughout Moldova

3.1 Design and Produce 35,000 Booklets

3.2 Ensure the delivery of booklets to 35 districts in the country

Deliverable 4: Traditional Media engagement

4.1. Ensure the participation of UNICEF and Voinicel representatives at 4 TV shows

4.2 Production of 2 written interviews (or articles) in Romanian and ensuring their promotion

Deliverable 5: Organize a national conference and arrange the logistics for the international experts/facilitators


Qualifications and experience 

For submission of proposals, the selected agency must comply with the following requirements and present the necessary documents:

  • Demonstrated experience in designing and conducting multi-media communication campaigns at the country level including development and deployment of appropriate media products across multiple platforms and channels.
  • Contractor must be an experienced PR & communication agency, with at least 5 years of presence on the market and relevant experience.   
  • Prior positive experience of working with UNICEF/ UN is an asset.  
  • Contractor must guarantee timely delivery of products 
  • Contractor must have the ability to work under pressure and be flexible enough to adjust to UNICEF’s needs and expectations. 


The submission consists of Technical and Financial Proposals, which must be completed, signed and returned to UNICEF Moldova as proposed in the attached Request for Proposals for Services (RFPS) document.

 Sumbission instructions:

  • Bid Submission Deadline: 11 September 2023 11:00 (EEST), any Bids received after the Submission Deadline will be invalidated.
  • Bid clarifications. Proposers are required to submit any questions in respect of this RFPS by e-mail to Cristina Dorogan at cdorogan@unicef.org. The deadline for receipt of any questions is 6 September 2023, 17:00 (EEST).
  • The official address for e-mail submission is: chisinautenders@unicef.orgno other UNICEF e-mails must be cc-ed.
  • Proposals should be submitted in 2 separate e-mails: Technical Proposal and Request for Proposal for Services Form (pages 3-5 of the LRPS-2023-9184914) in one e-mail and another separate e-mail for the Financial/Price Proposal.
  • Request for Proposals for Services Form must be filled and signed and included in the Technical offer e-mail/envelope.
  • Please pay attention: by answering YES to the Declaration statements (included in the Request for Proposals for Services Form) it means you didn't participate in the listed actions, by answering NO it means you did participate in the listed actions.
  • All Technical/Price Proposals files must be included in the email, no external links.
  • Proposals must be clearly marked with the RFPS number: LRPS-2023-9184914 in the email title or on the envelope.
  • Validity period of the proposal must be not less than 120 days.
  • Joint venture/consortium/subcontractor arrangements are addressed in the Technical Proposal.

For additional details on the proposal submission rules please refer to the point 1. Proposal Submission Schedule page 7-9 from the RFPS document.

For additional details on deliverables, technical and price proposal content and minimum requirements please refer to the Terms of References-Annex B enclosed in the RFPS document.

The RFPS document is published at: link.

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