
Request for Proposal (RFP): Medical and Accident Insurance (EXTENDED)

Request for Proposal (RFP): Medical and Accident Insurance (Extended)

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is seeking proposals from eligible contractors to deliver services relevant to Medical and Accident Insurance for DRC staff in Moldova.

DRC has been operational in Moldova since mid-2022 when its presence was established as part of the emergency response to displacement caused by the war in Ukraine. Based out of Chisinau, DRC works at numerous locations in the country - providing humanitarian assistance and support to Ukrainian refugees and the local communities hosting them. As part of our commitment to ensure the well-being of our employees, we are seeking a comprehensive insurance solution that effectively covers medical and accident expenses.

Scope of Work:

This RFP is launched for the purpose of establishing a Purchase (Framework) Agreement with the provider for medical and accident insurance for DRC Moldova staff. Provisionally service delivery period is from 1st October  2023 until 31st  December 2023 , with the possibility to be extended for the next 6 (six) months based on previous performance evaluation and DRC funding.

The tender dossier, containing detailed information and instructions for the submission of bids, can be obtained upon request from the following link  (

Submission of Bids:

 Deadline : September 15, 2023  

 Time: 16:00 (local time)

 In-person submission: Chisinau municipality, 26/3 Gheorghe Asachi str., Moldova

 Alternatively e-mail submission : . Please ensure that the subject line of the email includes "Medical and Accident Insurance for DRC Moldova – Bid Submission.

Bid Opening:

Dates  : September 18, 2023

 Time: 14:00 (local time)

 Location: Chisinau municipality, 26/3 Gheorghe Asachi str., Moldova

Contact Information:

For any inquiries or clarifications regarding the project or the tender process, please contact Amra Nusinovic, Support Services Manager; .

The DRC is looking forward to receiving competitive bids from qualified contractors who can contribute to ensuring the well-being of our employees.

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