Declaration against the Parliament amendments on the Law on Youth in Moldova
National Youth Council of Moldova (CNTM), Manifests it's indignation in relation with the new amendment of the article 21 in the Law on Youth nr. 279 - XIV from February the 11th 1999, Republic of Moldova (Monitorul Oficial of the Republic of Moldova, 1999, nr. 39 - 41, art. 169).
On 20 of July 2007, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, excluded from the actual Law on Youth aligns 1., 2., of the art. 21, which regard the financial support for youth programs and activities through the allocations from the state and local budgets in sum of 3 % as through the allocations from extra budgetary sources and special funds. The state budget allocated in 2007, was 3,27 mln lei for youth activities, sum which did not correspond to the Law previsions.
CNTM considers that the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova proceeded antidemocratic and against human rights by limiting youth participation to the process of decision making and benefiting from the state budget.
CNTM CONDEMNS the Parliament's decision and requests from the Parliament to modify and disallow the amendments in the art. 21 of the Law on Youth.
CNTM DEMANDS from the Parliament of Republic of Moldova to respect the recommendations of the Revised European Charter on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life, adopted on 21 May 2003, by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe. (Republic of Moldova is member of the Council of Europe since July 13, 1995).
In the light of the aforementioned CNTM concludes that the Parliament of Republic of Moldova does not recognize YOUTH as a priority and refuses to support financially youth programs and activities.