Increasing Local Government Transparency through participatory policies in the Republic of Moldova

HARTA proiect UNDEF10 administrative units, beneficiaries of the project “Increasing Local Government Transparency through participatory policies in the Republic of Moldova”, elaborate their Local Transparency Action Plans to increase transparency and ensure local citizens’ access to information of public interest in the next 3 years.

During May-July 2018, the members of the active citizens' groups from 10 administrative units in the country together with representatives of local public authorities conduct workshops to elaborate Local Transparency Action Plans for increasing transparency and ensuring access to public information.

The participants in the workshops examine the current situation regarding the transparency in the activity of the local public authorities and the citizens' access to information of public interest; identify and comment on the strengths and weaknesses in the activity of Mayoralties and of the Local Councils related to citizens’ involvement in the decision-making process; ensure to inform the inhabitants about the current activities and public policies of the LPA; ensure access to the information held by the authorities.

At the same time, the opportunities existing in the community for the improvement of this activity are identified, as well as the obstacles that may arise.

The analysis serves as a source of information for the project experts to elaborate the LPA profile in the field of transparency and access to information. The workshops take place within the project “Increasing Local Government Transparency through participatory policies in the Republic of Moldova”, implemented by the CONTACT Center with the support of UNDEF. 

The drafts of the Local Transparency Action Plans for increasing the transparency and ensuring the access of the citizens of the community to the information of public interest are placed on the official websites of the local public authorities and are subjected to public consultations. It is expected to discuss and approve these Plans at the meetings of the Local Councils from the towns and villages benefiting from the project.

The activities are carried out within the project “Increasing Local Government Transparency through participatory policies in the Republic of Moldova” funded by the United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF), which aims to increase the level of transparency in the activity of the local public authorities through the participatory elaboration, promotion and adoption of local public policies; the elaboration and implementation of Local Transparency Action Plans to increase transparency and to ensure citizens’ access to information of public interest. 

For details or additional information: 022 233948,

Contact person - Liliana Porumb, project coordinator.

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