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Make Your Own Mărțisor | Arts&Crafts Workshop

Want to get creative, learn about American and Moldovan spring traditions, and practice English in a fun way?

Join us at America House on March 1, from 3:00 to 5:00 PM, for a special Arts & Crafts session celebrating Mărțișor! Discover the meaning behind this beautiful tradition while crafting your own Mărțișor.

American Spaces volunteers Iana-Maria Butuc and Alexandru Tiron will guide you through the process—no prior experience needed! Just bring your enthusiasm, we will provide all the materials.

This is a great opportunity to get creative, connect with others, and take home your handmade Mărțișor.

Let us know if you would like to join—register now!

Fall Winter Covers 66

Informație despre eveniment

Data evenimentului 01-03-2025 3:00 pm
Capacitatea 40
Locuri disponibile 40
Eveniment adăugat de Daniela Munca-Aftenev
Localitatea evenimentului Chisinau (Municipiul Chisinau)

Înregistrarea pentru acest eveniment s-a încheiat.

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