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American Spaces Moldova / Volunteer Program

American Spaces Moldova is recruiting new volunteers! 

Our mission is to provide information about the United States, hosting online and in-person programs to highlight different aspects of the American culture.

At American Spaces we believe in the power of individuals coming together to create positive change, and we want YOU to be a part of this incredible journey!

Candidate's criteria:

- Age: 14 - 21 years old.

- Intermediate English proficiency.

- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

- Aspiring future leaders with a proactive civic engagement mindset.

Volunteer roles and responsibilities:

- to assist in creating & moderating different programs at American Spaces

- to help American Spaces develop engaging content for our social media

- to engage with the community of like-minded individuals creating an inclusive space where discussions, events, and initiatives reflect the richness of American culture, history, and perspectives.

How to apply?

- Complete the application form and

-- Show us what makes you a unique fit by taking on our creative video task (a 60-sec video) (details in the registration form)

**Complete the registration form and let us know where your passion lies:

-Be sure to have your video ready before submitting the form.

Can't wait to see what you bring to the team!

-Deadline November 19, 2024!

Good luck! Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and invited to an online interview.Volunteer Program Facebook Post


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