Call for proposal to implement a project on Expansion of Public Creches Services in the Republic of Moldova


Street Child, an international NGO with a focus on Child Protection and Education in Emergency, invites Moldovan NGOs to submit their interest, accompanied by their proposal for the implementation of a pilot project for expanding Creche Services for Ukrainian refugees and for the host community in the Republic of Moldova. This project is a response to the acute need for supporting mothers and fathers with children under 3 years old to re/integrate into the labour market.  

This pilot program for the expansion of public creches is part of the National Program on childcare services for children between 0 - 3 years old of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. 

Street Child is looking for an implementing partner who will work with the public institutions (LPAs) to develop 5 creches within pre-existing institutions. The program focuses on supporting pre-existing venues with light renovation and equipment, and certified capacity building for the educators. 

Partnership roles  

Street Child will manage, monitor, and measure the impact of the program.  

The local level organizations are instrumental in ensuring the effectiveness of early education in Moldova and are also at the frontlines of refugees' response to assure the inclusion and integration of early learners arriving from Ukraine.  

Street Child will provide programmatic support in identifying and coordinating with the LPAs in cooperation with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, and the Parliamentary Commission for Social Protection, Family and Health of Moldova. 


First phases: June 2023 to December 2023 with possible extension of the period for monitoring and evaluation purposes. 


Locations will be selected together with the implementing partner, based on the already developed tool to determine the level of demand. The locations of the project will primarily be determined by the number of Ukranian children (0-3 years) present. 

Eligibility criteria for the organizations: 

  • Minimum 5 years of experience in the field of early child education 
  • Minimum one external audit of the organization performed in the last 3 years 
  • Experience within the Refugees Crisis Response (minimum 6 months) 

Interested organizations are invited to submit the following: 

  • Concept note  
  • Estimation of budget 
  • Certificate of Registration 
  • Organigram of the organization  
  • Last annual report of the organization 
  • Last external audit report 

Any additional documentation considered relevant to the application (e.g. existing resources developed by the organization relevant to the scope of the project). 

The concept note should include: 

  • Short description of the organization and experience in early child education and refugee crisis response 
  • Proposed work methodology (for expansion of a public creche group and education of educators including the number of public creche groups to be expanded) 
  • Proposed team 

 All documents should be submitted by 26 June 2023 at  

For more details, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at:  

Contact person, Cristina Virschi - Project Coordinator, Street Child. 

Street Child will contact interested organizations on a rolling basis.