Refugee crisis response: Call for Proposals, launched by MAD-Aid in partnership with British Chamber of Commerce Moldova

About the implementer:

MAD-Aid worked in Moldova for last 10-years activity been involved in developing and implementing grass root projects, legislation lobbying, transfer of Human, Humanitarian and Financial capital.

British Chamber of Commerce Moldova is a newly establish chamber to facilitate the cooperation and collaboration between Moldova and Great Britain.

About this Funding Opportunity:

As part of the MAD-Aid’s and Britcham response to Ukrainian Refugee crisis in Moldova, we are working to support CSOs in enhancing their operational capacities to provide immediate to medium-term assistance to refugees fleeing from Ukraine. Selected CSOs will be expected to utilize the funds responsible and act fast to response of crisis caused by number of Ukrainian Citizens arriving in Moldova.

Eligible CSOs:

  • CSOs with active registration in Moldova
  • CSOs already involved in the response to refugee crisis in Moldova in provision of following services:
    • legal counselling to refugees
    • shelter assistance or temporary living
    • provision of food and non-food items to refugees
    • counselling and health-related support.

Eligible costs:

  • Operational and administrative costs of an CSO, including office rent, stationary, utilities, and communications
  • Transportation costs (rent, fuel, car insurance)
  • Procurement/rent of equipment including maintenance and operational costs
  • Procurement of vehicles needed for direct assistance to refugees
  • Renovation or repairs of temporary lodging spaces for refugees 
  • Procurement of food and non-food items
  • Medicaments or medical equipment
  • Bank fees.

Ineligible costs:

  • Services of external consultants unless is prior agreement and prove of necessity
  • Purchase of software or bigger IT equipment
  • Environmentally harmful items
  • International travel.

Budget and Duration of the implementation:

Available funding under this call: up to 300.000 GBP. The size of the grants can be in the range of 3.000 GBP to 10.000 GBP disbursed through an agreed financial plan over the duration up to 2 months.

To access the application form and budget template click here:  Aplication form and Budget form.

The application package should contain:

1. Copy of the registration certification in Moldova

2. Application form

3. Budget form.

The documents should be submited at: and 


Proposals will be accepted starting with 21/04/2022 till 17/05/2022 and will be evaluated on the following basis:
the proposals received until 10/05/2022., 17:00 will be evaluated until 17.05.2022
the proposals received until 17/05/2022, 17:00 will be evaluated until 25.05.2022

For any clarifications please contact – or  Ana Ciolan