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Simulation of the Washington Naval Conference

It’s a wonderful opportunity to relive an important historical event which shaped the way the world functioned for a good part of the 20th century. 

In this political simulation the participants are going to take the roles of real diplomats from the Washington Naval Conference, representing great historical powers such as the USA, France and UK. Each party will be presented with the historical context of the conference and their side's interests. The participants will have sessions of negotiation in which they will try to impose their party's interest against the other teams, as well as coming to compromises. At the final part of the event, they will have to present the results of their negotiations, the participants with the roles of reporters having to ask them questions.

Join us to take the roles of actual diplomats and use all your skills in order to get the most for your cause.

Let us know that you are coming: 

Fall Covers 71


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