Don’t miss the chance to win one of three trips to NATO Headquarters in Brussels

The NATO Liaison Office in the Republic of Moldova is excited to announce the launch of the essay competition for undergraduate students with the theme:

“How does NATO-Moldova cooperation contribute to your country’s security and European future?”

The contest is organized on the occasion of NATO’s 75th anniversary and 30 years of the NATO – the Republic of Moldova partnership and aims at to raise awareness and better understanding of the Alliance, its mission, core values and principles, together with its longstanding partnership with the Republic of Moldova, and the ways in which NATO and Allies assist Moldova in achieving its European aspirations.

Authors of the three best essays will benefit from a sponsored trip and visit of NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, to meet and discuss with NATO experts enabling the partnership and cooperation with the Republic of Moldova.

The essay must be written either in English or French, the two official languages of the Alliance.

The deadline to submit the essay is 15 October.

Follow the link to find out the terms and conditions of the contest:  

ToR Essay contest_NATO_Liaison_Office_Moldova.pdf - Google Drive

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