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Distinguished speakers announced for International Mayors Summit 2024 in Moldova



The International Mayors Summit 2024 in Moldova is honored to host an array of distinguished speakers, each bringing unique insights and experiences to the forefront of urban development and community resilience. Here is to name a few:

Ned Price, serving as the Deputy to the U.S. Representative to the United Nations, will share his comprehensive expertise gleaned from significant roles within the Department of State, the National Security Council, and his co-founding of National Security Action. 

From Romania, Allen Coliban, the Mayor of Brașov, will share his innovative approach to transforming the city into a model of sustainability and quality of life. With a distinguished political career, including a term as a senator from 2016 to 2020 and as chairman of the Environmental Committee, Coliban has stood out through legislative initiatives such as the "Forest DNA" and the "Odor Law". As mayor, he aims to make Brașov the Green Capital of Romania, focusing on sustainable development, alternative mobility, eco-tourism, and green technologies. His vision includes ambitious projects like the construction of two new hospitals and the establishment of the Brassovia Natural Park.

From Ukraine, we welcome Oleksandr Sienkevych, the Mayor of Mykolaiv, whose commitment to transforming his city into a beacon of comfort, competitiveness, and investment appeal is noteworthy. His leadership in spearheading infrastructure improvements, enhancing service quality, and attracting investors echoes the Summit's emphasis on the vital role of urban revitalization.

From Portugal, Deputy Mayor of Cascais, Nuno Piteira Lopes, brings his rich experience in administrative and fiscal management, urban planning, and economic activities. 

The Summit promises a comprehensive agenda designed to foster knowledge exchange, showcase best practices, and stimulate networking among urban leaders. By bringing together mayors, government officials, and experts from the EU and beyond, the event sets the stage for a dynamic discussion on the future of urban development, resilience, and innovation.

As we anticipate the gathering of urban leaders in Moldova, the Summit aims to explore new horizons for building stronger, more resilient communities. For more information and to register, please visit our official website -



Western NIS Enterprise Fund (WNISEF), funded by USAID, is a pioneering $285 million fund in Ukraine and Moldova, investing over $188 million in 136 companies and unlocking $2.4 billion over 29 years. 


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