Drawings and Collages Contest: Homage to Holocaust Stories

America House Chisinau invites youth aged 14+ to submit posters, collages, and drawings dedicated to International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

To participate in the contest and virtual exhibition, please create a drawing/collage/poster on the theme of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, scan it or take a quality photo of it and send it to the email address americahousemd@gmail.com no later than January 27!

In the email, please write the participant's first and last name, age, school/college, and city/village. In the subject line write Holocaust Drawing and Collages Contest and a short description of each submitted design (no more than 100 words/each) in English, Romanian, or Russian, explaining the story behind the poster.

The posters will be posted on America House Chisinau's Facebook Page in a virtual exhibition accessible to the general public.

Three winners will be awarded certificates and prizes! 

The purpose of the exhibition is to create empathy with the victims of the Holocaust, strengthen the importance of remembering survivors, victims, rescuers, and deliverers, and raise awareness of the dangers of radical and extremist movements, totalitarian regimes, antisemitism, xenophobia, and other manifestations of hatred.

Let us know about your intention to submit an artwork and fill in the registration form: https://forms.gle/KAJmHCNLZtRA9ewC8


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