Peace Corps Moldova Security Guard

LOCATION:                Based in Chişinău, Moldova

COMPENSATION:     Starting Annual salary range is $ 6,964 benefits.

CLOSING DATE:        23:59 on Sunday, April 13, 2025

CLASSIFICATION:   Full-time contracted position, 40 hours per week.


Peace Corps Security Guards provide critical security services including 24x7 monitoring of the Peace Corps compound and personnel within. The Security guards serve as the first point of contact for all office staff, Volunteers, and visitors entering the building and premises. The incumbent assist with incoming callers and directing callers to appropriate staff. Security guards assist with Volunteer security exercises coordinated by the US Embassy, and off-site events hosted by Peace Corps. 


Major Duties and Responsibilities:

·         Monitors, maintains, and controls access to the Peace Corps Office and Premises, including greeting visitors, screening visitors, and directing them to the appropriate staff member.

·         Control of Security of Peace Corps Compound. Supervise and control the security monitors.

·         Provides limited in-person security detail during off-site events, typically hosted within Chisinau.

·         Coordinates appropriate actions during emergency drills and actual emergency situations.

·         Provides limited support for Peace Corp’s switchboard, receiving and transmitting messages to staff members.

·         Manages and sorts incoming diplomatic pouch and commercial mail deliveries, coordinating mail pickup with Volunteers and staff.

·         Performs other duties as required.

Job particularities:

The Security Guard performs duties in 12-hour shifts on a 40-hour work week basis following arranged shifts, coordinated in advance by the General Services Manager. Security Guards will be asks to work a variety of shifts, which include 24/7 coverage. Day and night shifts are required, including holidays and weekends.

Qualifications, skills and abilities:

·         Completion of secondary school is required.

·         Experience in the field of security is an advantage but is not required.

·         Language Proficiency: English – B1 preferred. Romanian and Russian – C1.

·         Ability to work with little supervision and as part of the team. Strong communication skills.

·         Incumbent must be in excellent health and physical condition. Must be able to use tact and diplomacy when dealing with the public.


Submit Application in English:

US Peace Corps

Str. Grigore Ureche, 12

Chişinău, Moldova-2001


Subject : Attention! Security Guard

*CV in MS Word format.

Additional Instructions:

The anticipated contract is contingent on availability of funds, reference checks, successful completion of a background check, and medical examination. Only those invited to an interview will be contacted. Peace Corps reserves the right to not evaluate or to withhold an offer of a personal services contract to an individual that has a history of poor past performance or conduct as a Peace Corps Trainee, Volunteer, or staff member (USDH, PSC, or FSN). Peace Corps reserves the right to withhold an offer of a personal services contract to an individual that is a relative or household member of a current Peace Corps staff member. Individuals who have current or prior connections with intelligence activities or agencies through employment, related work, or even family relations may be ineligible for a personal services contract. The selected individual will be required to follow any workplace health and/or safety rules indicated for their position – including complying with any medical and/or training requirements specified for their position in accordance with public health and/or occupational health or safety policies. Peace Corps will not discriminate against an applicant because of that person's race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older, except when the applicant is beyond the mandatory retirement age in the country of assignment), disability, or genetic information.


                                                                                                                   Peace Corps Moldova is an Equal Opportunity Employer

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