Training on ethical communication for Roma CSOs/NGOs/activists, workers, and focal points


General objective

  • To challenge stereotypes, promote inclusivity, and foster social cohesion between ethnic Roma people, both displaced from Ukraine and within the host community, while reducing discrimination and empowering the Roma population to advocate for their rights and representation.

Specific objective

  • To increase the knowledge of Roma CSOs, NGOs, and activists in ethical communication practices and foster the production of dignified and impactful media materials that reflect the values and challenges, traditions, and culture of the Roma community.


The comprehensive capacity-strengthening sessions will foster culturally sensitive and non-discriminatory practices, thereby reducing the systemic barriers that Roma individuals frequently encounter when accessing services. These barriers often include prejudice and exclusion, which limit their opportunities to fully benefit from essential support provided by both government and non-governmental organizations. By equipping 20 members from Roma CSOs, NGOs, and activist groups with enhanced skills in ethical communication, the project will play a pivotal role in transforming these practices and advocating for Roma individuals' rights and dignity.

These training sessions will also focus on the creation of dignified, accurate, and impactful media materials that not only highlight the daily realities of Roma communities but also reflect their culture, values, and contributions. By amplifying these voices, the project aims to challenge negative stereotypes and misinformation about Roma populations, promoting inclusivity and a more positive representation in both the media and public discourse.

Aligned with the Republic of Moldova’s National Plan for Support of the Roma Population 2022-2025 (Objective 3, Action 3.11), the sessions directly contribute to national efforts aimed at improving the integration and well-being of the Roma community. By focusing on awareness-raising and education, this action will support the country’s broader strategy to reduce inequality and ensure the Roma population is fully integrated into Moldovan society.

Additionally, these sessions will serve as a catalyst for improving social cohesion by fostering understanding and positive relationships between Roma refugees from Ukraine, the local Roma population, and host communities in Moldova. As a result, the training will not only empower Roma activists and leaders but also facilitate a stronger, more united social fabric, where all individuals, regardless of their ethnicity, have equal access to opportunities and rights.

Ultimately, the project’s outcomes will contribute to a sustainable and lasting impact, not just through immediate capacity-strengthening, but by laying the groundwork for long-term societal change. Empowering Roma communities to advocate for their own rights and challenging discriminatory practices will drive a broader cultural shift towards acceptance, equal treatment, and fair representation.


(To be delivered in compliance with the deadlines set below in the "PLAN OF PAYMENT AND DEADLINES" table)

  1. A work plan and agenda of activities and sessions.
  2. Preparation of the didactic and graphic materials for the delivery of the sessions.
  3. A guideline or curriculum outlining the key principles, along with checkboxes or bullet points, to be used during the activities. 
  4. Pre- and post-tests to measure the level of improvement in the participants' knowledge of the discipline.
  5. Activity reports after each training session.


The training sessions on enhancing the skills in ethical communication practice will target 20 members of Roma CSOs, NGOs, and activists. The sessions will take place in March 2025, comprising a one-day training focused on two priorities, covering a total of 20 participants. INTERSOS Moldova will facilitate the logistical organisation of the sessions providing the venue, stationery and equipment for the delivery of the training. The sessions will be preceded by a preparatory phase in order to define and approve the materials and methods of administration. A test will be given at the beginning and at the end of each session to assess the participants' comprehension and understanding of the subject matter. Each session will last up to 6 hours and will cover the following topics: 

  • 1st priority (morning) -  capacity-strengthening session on ethical communication;
  • 2nd priority (afternoon) - workshop on the production of dignified and impactful media materials. 

At the end of the training, the facilitator will present a technical report and feedback received on the overall presentation. 


Detailed activities:

  • The trainer(s) will develop the material for the training program in Romanian (the material will also be developed and provided in English to INTERSOS Moldova).
  • The trainer/provider will deliver a one-day training focusing on two priorities, covering a total of 20 participants. The full duration of the training will be a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 8 hours, depending on the discussions (including breaks). 
  • The first part of the training will focus on ethical communication, with inclusion of the theoretical part, workshops, and provision of all the tools and guidelines on this topic. 
  • During the second part of the training, the focus will shift to the production of dignified and impactful media materials. The workshop will include both theoretical sessions and practical exercises, along with presentations and the provision of comprehensive guidelines to support participants in their work.
  • At the end of the training, the trainer/provider will submit an activity report to INTERSOS Moldova.
  • During the training day, the trainer will collect attendance lists signed by each participant and evaluate the improvement of the participants' knowledge by using a pre- and post-test.
  • At the end of the training, the trainer will gather feedback from participants on the training’s relevance and content. 
  • At the end of the training, the trainer will issue a certificate of attendance for each participant.
  • INTERSOS Moldova will be responsible for the logistical organization of the events, including the venue, stationery, and refreshments. 


  1. Knowledge in ethical communication; 
  2. Background in the production of dignified and impactful media /social media materials, and content;
  3. Knowledge in  the storytelling media technique;
  4. Previous demonstrated experience in the administration of similar or related trainings;
  5. Fluent knowledge of the Romanian, and Russian or English language, knowledge of Romani language will be considered an advantage; 


The application must be submitted no later than 24/03/2025 at 17:00, to the following email addresses


List of mandatory documents to submit attached to the application is detailed as follows:

  1. Submission of the Curriculum Vitae (CV) of the candidate(s), indicating previous experience as a trainer in similar or comparable disciplines;
  2. Submission of an economic offer expressed in Moldovan Leu (MDL) and without VAT;
  3. Submission of the document with the links to previously developed media /social media materials, and storytelling materials.

Any application submitted after the indicated deadline and/or not accompanied by the elements listed above will be considered ineligible and rejected.

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