National Consultant on Prevention and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, 2 positions, IOM Moldova


Reference code:  SVN2025-40


Open to External Candidates


Position Title


National Consultant on Prevention and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings

 Duty Station


Republic of Moldova



Type of Appointment

Duration of Consultancy





22 working days during 4 months, from the date of Contract signing


Closing Date 


14 January 2025


Established in 1951, IOM is a Related Organization of the United Nations, and as the leading UN agency in the field of migration, works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. It does so by providing services and advice to governments and migrants.


IOM is committed to a diverse and inclusive environment. Internal and external candidates are eligible to apply to this vacancy. For the purpose of the vacancy, internal candidates are considered as first-tier candidates.





Consultant services, rendered by a child protection national expert, to develop training materials and deliver at most 19 one-day training sessions (continuous training) on prevention and combat of the trafficking in human beings (children) for child protection specialists, working in public social protection sector.

  1. Project Context and Scope:

Starting from 24th February 2022 full scale invasion of Russian Federation in Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova is facing the consistent and multidimensional impact of refugees flows from Ukraine through the country, and most significant - the challenges in management of support activities for over 100.000 refugees from Ukraine, temporary staying in the Republic of Moldova, almost half of them being children. According to different estimations, among these children displaced from Ukraine, there are around 900 to 1100 unaccompanied or separated children.

Concomitantly, in 2022 the Government of the Republic of Moldova has started the administrative and operational reform of the social protection sector (RESTART Reform), containing among others, activities aimed to increase the efficiency of human resources management (including the mechanisms and content of initial and continuous training of the social assistance system staff). Also, among others, there are in the process of implementation three complex National Policies:

  1. the Program for Child protection for the years 2022-2026;
  2. the Program on the creation and development of the national Mechanism of the referral for the protection and assistance of victims of crimes for the years 2022-2026;
  • the Program for the prevention and combat of trafficking in human beings for the years 2024-2028.

During 2024, with the support of UNICEF Moldova over 140 community level specialists in child protection were hired and initially trained in the area on international standards and national legal framework of the child protection system.

As a result of IOM Moldova coordination meeting with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection in November 2024 there was agreed to look for the possibility of the provision of one-day continuous training of child protection specialists on the practical application of the national legal and regulatory framework on child protection, as well as of the one-day initial training on the prevention and combat of the trafficking in human beings and the protection and assistance of the victims, especially children.

IOM Moldova responded to these needs, by identifying the necessary resources for a 2 days countrywide training of child protection specialist on the both abovementioned thematic.

This TOR is for the identification and hiring of a national expert on child protection to provide a one-day continuous training for child protection specialists on the prevention and combat of the trafficking in human beings and assistance of the victims, especially children.

This activity is to be realized within the two IOM humanitarian projects related to the management of refugees flows from Ukraine in the Republic of Moldova, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Italian Republic.

It is required and expected to develop curricula and provide at most 19 sessions of one-day initial training for child protection specialists on the international standards for prevention and combat of trafficking in human beings, as well as national legal and regulatory framework for identification, assessment, referral and assistance of children victims of trafficking and assistance of unaccompanied and separated displaced children for approx. 280 professionals, working in the public social assistance sector in January – March 2025.


  1. Organizational Department / Unit to which the Consultant is contributing

IOM Moldova PXD Unit. Project PX.0353: “Strengthening capacities for protection of Ukrainian refugees, third country nationals and host communities in Moldova”.

  1. Category B Consultants: Tangible and measurable outputs of the work assignment

# of paid days

Description of deliverable

Due date


Develop and submit to IOM PXD:

1.    Training session Curriculum (for 1 day training session)

2.    Training Agenda (for 1 day training session)

3.    Pre - and Post - training evaluation questionnaires

3 working days before the first Training


Deliver up to 19 one-days and Trainings and provisions of participants lists and completed pre-/post- evaluation questionnaires for each training.

Monthly reports, no later than 3 calendar days after each calendar month end.


Produce a Final Report (compilation and integration of the monthly reports) on the performed activities (in English), according to template and guidelines, provided by IOM, including the results of pre-/post- training evaluation questionnaires, disaggregated by sex, age, disability, entity.

5 working days after submission of the last monthly Report on the performed activities.

  1. Performance indicators for the evaluation of results

The performance of work will be evaluated based on the following indicators:

  • Submission of deliverables, specified in point 6 of this ToR.
  • Compliance with the established training sessions timetable and deadlines.
  • 80% of prevalence of “good” and “very good” evaluation marks for trainer’s performance within post-evaluation questionnaires.
  • Quality of work (consideration of international human rights standards, comprehensiveness, accuracy, absence of complaints).
  1. Education, Experience and/or skills required

At least 7 years of practical experience in working in the anti-trafficking sector in the Republic of Moldova;

Fluency in Romanian and Russian;

Proven experience in delivery of trainings to the professionals in the area of prevention and combat of the trafficking in human beings and assistance of the victims, especially children;

Excellent communication and coordination skills;

Experience of work in local child protection authorities would be a strong asset.

Experience of work in central child protection authorities would be a strong asset.

Experience of work in NGO/international organizations would be an asset.

  1. Travel required

Yes, including overnight stay in Balti, Cahul and Comrat.

Transportation and accommodation costs to be covered by the consultant’s per day fee.

2 Coffee breaks and lunch during each raining day will be provided by IOM Moldova.

  1. Competencies

10.1. Values

  • Inclusion and respect for diversity: respects and promotes individual and cultural differences; encourages diversity and inclusion wherever possible.
  • Integrity and transparency: maintains high ethical standards and acts in a manner consistent with organizational principles/rules and standards of conduct.
  • Professionalism: demonstrates ability to work in a composed, competent and committed manner and exercises careful judgment in meeting day-to-day challenges.

10.2. Core Competencies

  • Teamwork: promotes effective collaboration across trainees to achieve optimal results.
  • Delivering results: produce and deliver quality results in a service-oriented and timely manner;
  • Managing and sharing knowledge: seeks to learn, share knowledge and innovate.
  • Accountability: assumes responsibility for own action and assumed work.
  • Communication: encourages and contributes to clear and open communication; explains complex matters in an informative, inspiring and motivational way.


Any offer made to the candidate in relation to this special vacancy notice is subject to funding confirmation.

A prerequisite for taking up the position is legal residency in the country of the duty station and work permit, as applicable.

How to apply:

Interested applicants are invited to send a half-page write-up on the concept and content of training, CV and Cover Letter in English to:;

Please, indicate the position you are applying for and reference code in the subject line of your message.

Closing date for applications is 14 January 2025


In order for an application to be considered valid, IOM only accepts the applications duly completed.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


Posting period:

From 08.01.2025 to 14.01.2025

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